![Initial Design of High Speed Landing Craft PACSCAT](https://www.lw50.cn/thumb/7fcc7a98fdb61eac0da8cc25.webp)
登陆艇(LCU)专门用于将重型车辆,如作战坦克或军车等从主力平台(capital platform)运送到海岸上。主力平台(capital platform)北约内部称作两栖登陆舰(Landing Platform Docks(LPD))能使登陆艇从其尾部的井式甲板驶入或驶出。目前的登陆艇受性能不足的约束,已经严重制约了其两栖作业的功能。本论文的主要目的是开发一种新型的高速登陆艇的初步设计。提出了基于英国皇家海军的创新方案示范船(ISDC),即局部气垫支撑双体船(PACSCAT)的新型高速登陆艇的初步设计。局部气垫支撑双体船(PACSCAT)使用连接桥将两个轻型片体连接起来,并且该连接桥也可用作货物甲板。局部气垫支撑双体船(PACSCAT)是两种概念的融合体:海面效应船(SES)与气垫船(ACV)。本论文的主要研究内容如下:第一章,首先对船舶初步设计中用到的方法进行了综述,其次对本论文所要研究范围与内容进行了讨论,并从设计的特殊要求角度出发阐述了该研究的重要性。第二章,描述了传统登陆艇的分类和发展,并对目前现代登陆艇所使用的最先进技术:微泡技术,水翼船概念以及气垫船进行了重点研究,通过对比分析为本设计选择了合适的方案。第三章,在对一系列现代登陆艇参数分析的结果上,确定了本登陆艇的主尺度并绘制了其型线图;使用Maxsurf完成了本艇的三维模型及静水力计算,最后用Pro-Engineering solid modeling软件完成该艇的上层建筑设计。第四章,研究了局部气垫支撑双体船(PACSCAT)阻力计算的方法,并对阻力中不同成分进行了详细分析研究。第五章,研究了本登陆艇的动力与推进系统,最后设计了局部抬升本艇从而减少其吃水的气垫系统。第六章,参照德国LR船级社《特殊用途船入级规范》中有关高速双体船的规范要求,确定了本艇船体构件尺寸的选取。第七章,将计算得到构件尺寸结果,在ANSYS软件(一个十分流行的有限云分析系统)中进行了更详细的有限元验证分析,从而保证了该设计的安全性与可靠性。创新方案示范船一一局部气垫支撑双体船(PACSCAT ISDC)是具有一对片体的气垫船。空气从两片体间吹进以提供升力来减少拖曳摩擦力,提高船速且具有更大的抢滩能力。不同于海面效应船(SES),局部气垫支撑双体船(PACSCAT)因其较宽的船体而使其拥有更高的负载能力。
摘要ABSTRACTACKNOWLEDGMENTSCHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION1.1 Purpose and Significance of Current Research Work1.2 Method1.3 Vision1.3.1 Technical Vision1.3.2 Tactical Vision1.4 Specification of Requirements1.4.1 Cargo Vehicles1.4.2 Landing Platform Dock,LPD1.5 Conclusion1.6 Chapter SummaryCHAPTER 2. CONCEPT2.1 Classification of Ship Borne Landing Craft2.2 Development of Ship Borne Landing Craft2.2.1 Conventional Flat-Bottomed Barge-type Landing Craft2.2.2 Landing Craft Air Cushion(LCAC)2.2.3 Catamaran Concept of Landing Craft2.2.4 Surface Effect Ship(SES)Type Landing Craft2.2.5 Conclusion(Selection of Hull form)2.3 Modern Technologies Available With High Speed Crafts2.3.1 Micro Bubble Technology2.3.2 Under Water Lifting Body(Hydro foils and Aft Cross foils Concept)2.3.3 Partial Air Cushion Supported Catamaran(PACSCAT)2.3.4 Conclusion(Selection of Innovative technology)2.3.5 The Concept of High Speed Landing Craft(PACSCAT)2.4 Chapter SummaryCHAPTER 3. INITIAL DESIGN AND MAXSURF MODELING3.1 Parametric Analysis3.1.1 Selection of Principle Dimensions3.1.2 Selection of Demi Hull Dimensions3.2 General Arrangement3.3 Introduction to 3D Modeling in Naval Architecture3.4 Maxsurf3.5 PACSCAT Modeling in Maxsurf3.5.1 Maxsurf Solid Hull Modeling3.5.2 Maxsurf Hull Model Lines Plan3.5.3 Curve of Cross Sectional Areas3.6 3D Modeling of PACSCAT by Pro-Engineering3.7 Chapter SummaryCHAPTER 4. RESISTANCE CALCULATIONS OF PACSCAT4.1 Wave Making Resistance,4.2 Aerodynamic Profile Resistance4.3 Skirt Drag4.4 Sidewalls Friction Resistance4.5 Total Resistance of PACSCAT4.6 Chapter SummaryCHAPTER 5. POWERING,PROPULSION AND AIR CUSHION SYSTEM5.1 Selection of Main Engine5.1.1 Fuel Consumption5.2 Selection of Water Jet Unit5.2.1 Why MJP Water Jet?5.3 Air Cushion System Design5.3.1 Introduction5.3.2 Cushion Pressure5.3.3 Air Flow Rate5.3.4 Lift Power5.3.5 Selection of Fan Type5.3.6 Lift Engines5.4 Chapter SummaryCHAPTER 6. HULL STRUCTURAL DESIGN6.1 Material Selection6.1.1 Why Built PACSCAT with Aluminium?6.1.2 Yield Strength6.1.3 Specific Aluminium Alloy Selection6.1.3.1 5 086 Aluminium Alloy6.2 Class Notations of PACSCAT6.3 Motion Response6.3.1 Relative vertical motion6.3.2 Vertical acceleration6.4 Loads on Shell Envelope6.4.1 Hydrostatic Pressure on the shell plating6.4.2 Hydrodynamic wave pressure6.4.3 Weather Deck Pressure6.4.4 Pressure on Interior Decks6.4.5 Combined pressure distribution6.5 Impact Loads6.5.1 Bottom shell impact pressure due to slamming6.5.2 Side shell impact pressure due to slamming6.5.3 Forebody impact pressure6.5.4 Conclusion6.6 Local Design Criteria for Non-Displacement Mode6.7 Hull envelope design criteria(Hull structures)6.7.1 Bottom Shell6.7.2 Outboard side shell6.7.3 Inboard side shell6.7.4 Wet Deck6.8 Components6.8.1 Weather Deck6.8.2 Coachroof Deck6.8.3 Interior Deck6.8.4 Inner Bottom6.8.5 Watertight and Deep Tank Bulkheads6.9 Additional Effective Pressures6.9.1 Bottom longitudinal amidships additional effective pressure6.9.2 Bottom plating amidships additional effective pressure6.10 Global Load and Design Criteria6.10.1 Vertical wave bending moments and associated shear forces6.10.2 Wave Shear Force6.10.3 Dynamic Bending Moments6.10.4 Dynamic Shear Force6.11 Global Load and Design Criteria6.11.1 Transverse Bending Moment6.11.2 Twin Hull Torsional Moment6.11.3 Vertical Shear Force6.12 Design criteria and load combinations6.12.1 Rule bending moment6.12.2 Rule Shear Forces6.13 Scantling Determination for Multi-Hull Craft6.13.1 Minimum Plating Thickness Requirements6.13.2 Shell Envelope Plating6.13.2.1 Keel Plates6.13.2.2 General Plating6.13.3 Single Bottom Structure and Appendages6.13.3.1 Keel6.13.3.2 Centre girder6.13.3.3 Side girders6.13.3.4 Floors General6.13.3.5 Floors in machinery spaces6.13.3.6 Forefoot and stem6.13.4 Shell envelope framing(Stiffening General)6.13.5 Stiffener Profiling6.13.6 Watertight Bulkheads and Deep Tank Plating6.13.7 Deck structures6.14 Hull Girder Strength6.14.1 Hull Longitudinal Bending Strength6.14.2 Hull Shear Strength6.14.3 Strength of cross-deck structures6.14.4 ConclusionCHAPTER 7. DIRECT CALCULATIONS7.1 Finite Element Analysis7.1.1 Model Development Approach7.1.1.1 Non-Parametric Model Generation7.1.1.2 Parametric Model generation7.1.1.3 Current Model Generation Approach-GUI Approach7.1.2 3D Global Finite Element Model Development7.1.3 Boundary Conditions. Spring Constraints Evaluation7.1.4 Extent of FEM Modeling7.1.5 Analysis Phase (Load Cases Applications) Moment Application (Load Case 1) Pressure Application @ T= 0.8m (Load Case 2) Pressure Application @ T= 1.5m (Load Case 3) Only Battle Tank (Load Case 4) and Tank (Load Case 5) Load Condition (Load Case 6)7.1.6 Analysis and Results7.1.6.1 Hogging Moment Condition (Load Case 1) Sagging Moment Condition (Load Case 1) Torsional Moment Application (Load Case 1) Pressure Application @ T=0.8m (Load Case 2) Pressure Application @ T=1.5m (Load Case 3) Only Battle Tank Loading (Load Case 4) and Tank Combine Loading (Load Case 5) Load Condition (Load Case 6)7.1.7 Theoretical Validation7.1.7.1 Comparison7.1.7.2 ConclusionCONCLUDING REMARKS AND FUTURE RECOMMENDATIONSConcluding RemarksRecommendations for Future WorkREFERENCES
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标签:登陆艇论文; 两栖论文;
Initial Design of High Speed Landing Craft PACSCAT