Acknowledgements摘要AbstractChapter I Introduction1.1 The background of the study1.2 The aim and significance of the study1.3 Structure of the thesisChapter II An introduction to idioms2.1 Definition of idioms2.2 Sources of idioms2.2.1 Idioms originating from the specific geographic environment2.2.2 Idioms stemming from religion belief2.2.2.1 Idioms formed by the name of persons and places in religion2.2.2.2 Idioms formed by set phrases and sentences in religion2.2.3 Idioms coming from the custom of an ethnic2.2.3.1 Idioms about eating2.2.3.2 Idioms about social custom2.2.4 Idioms deriving from historical stories2.2.5 Idioms springing from literary and artistic works2.3 Characteristics of idioms2.3.1 The nationality of idioms2.3.1.1 Identity in figurative meanings but diversity in images2.3.1.2 Identity in images but partial or thorough diversity in figurative meanings2.3.2 The iconicity of idioms2.3.3 Phonetic euphony of idioms2.3.4 Semantic unity and structural stability of idioms2.4 Language, culture and translationChapter III Essentials of relevance theory3.1 Researches abroad3.2 Researches at home3.3 Overview on relevance theory3.3.1 Definition of relevance3.3.2 Ostensive-inferential communication3.3.3 The degree of relevance3.3.4 Two principles of relevance3.3.5 Contextual effect and optimal relevanceChapter IV The explanatory power of relevance theory to translation4.1 Traditional notions of translation4.2 The advantage of relevance theory over traditional translation theories4.3 Theoretical essence of relevance theory4.3.1 Translation as a dual ostensive-inferential process4.3.2 Translation as an interlingual interpreting process4.3.3 The role of translator from the perspective of relevance theory4.3.4 Optimal relevance and context in translationV Application of relevance theory to the translation of Chinese and English idioms5.1 Untranslatability and translatability5.2 Translatability of English and Chinese idioms observed from relevance theory5.2.1 Linguistic feature and functional feature5.2.2 Translatability of the culture-specific idioms5.2.3 Translatability of the stylistic values of idioms5.2.4 Optimal relevance as the principle in the translation of idioms5.3 Approaches for the translation of idioms from the perspective of relevance theory5.3.1 Direct translation5.3.2 Direct translation plus notes5.3.3 Direct translation plus paraphrase5.3.4 Indirect translation5.3.4.1 Substitution5.3.4.2 ParaphraseVI ConclusionBibliography
标签:关联理论论文; 文化论文; 习语翻译论文; 翻译策略论文;