摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 The Motivation and Objectives1.2 The Research Questions1.3 The Methodology1.4 The Significance of This Study1.5 Layout of the ThesisChapter2 Literature Review2.1 The Definition and Classification of Irony2.1.1 The Definition2.1.2 Three Kinds of English Ironies:2.2 A Review of the Study on Irony2.2.1 Rhetorical Approach2.2.2 Psychological Approach2.2.3 Pragmatic Approach2.2.4 Cognitive ApproachChapter 3 Conceptual Blending Theory3.1 Development of the Conceptual Blending Theory3.2 Mental Space Theory3.2.1 The Brief Review of Mental Space3.2.2 Access Principle3.2.3 Mappings3.3 Conceptual Blending Theory3.3.1 The Network Model of Conceptual Blending3.3.2 The Concrete Four-space Representation3.3.3 Types of Conceptual Blending Networks3.4 Some Value of Blending Theory3.4.1 The Ubiquity3.4.2 The Dynamic State3.4.3 The Grounding Box3.5 SummaryChapter 4 Triggers of Space-contrast in Ironic Interpretation4.1 Introduction4.2 Language Aspects4.2.1 The Encyclopedic Knowledge as Trigger4.2.2 The Context as Trigger4.3 Cognitive Aspects4.3.1 The Reverse-thinking as Trigger4.3.2 The Mutuality as Trigger4.4 SummaryConclusionReferencesAppendix 详细中文摘要Acknowledgements
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