AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter I. Introduction1.1 Problems with English writing in the teaching of college English1.2 Rationale1.3 Plan for the dissertationChapter II. Language Awareness: What, Why and How2.1 Definitions and domains of General Language Awareness2.2 Definitions and domains of Critical Language Awareness2.3 Aspects of LA research2.3.1 The Bolitho and Tomlinson view of LA: the grammar aspect2.3.2 Eschholz et al’s view of LA: a holistic perspective2.3.3 Fairclough’s view of LA: a critical perspective on language issues2.4 The benefits of applying LA to language teaching2.5 The LA approach research in the teaching of college English writing2.5.1 Defining LA as a teaching approach2.5.2 The feasibility in developing an LA approach to the teaching of college English writingChapter III. The Nature of College English Writing3.1 College English: objectives and requirements3.2 Teaching requirements for non-English majors3.3 Why to write3.3.1 General purpose3.3.2 Academic purpose3.3.3 Practical purpose3.4 What to write3.4.1 Selecting the subject3.4.2 Analyzing the readers3.4.3 Determining the writing purpose3.4.4 Revising the tone and style3.5 How to write3.5.1 The awareness of the choice of words3.5.2 The awareness of sentence writing3.5.3 The awareness of paragraph writing3.6 Applying LA to the treatment of college English writingChapter IV. Analysis of Language Awareness Problems in College English Writing4.1 Selection of data for analysis and problem identification4.2 Awareness failure in language forms4.2.1 Word form4.2.2 Word use4.2.3 Verb phrases4.2.4 Noun phrases4.2.5 The reference of pronoun4.2.6 Collocation4.2.7 Sentences4.3 Awareness failure in language functions4.3.1 Lack sense of unity and coherence4.3.2 Lack sense of readers4.3.3 Lack of sense of style4.4 A summary of the findings4.4.1 Lack of General Language Awareness4.4.2 Lack of Critical Language AwarenessChapter V. A Language Awareness Approach to the Teaching of College English Writing5.1 Implications of LA for language teaching in general5.2 Key features for awareness-raising activities5.3 Activities and tasks to train the awareness of language forms and functions5.3.1 Discovering English5.3.2 Inductive learning of English5.3.3 Task-based activity5.3.4 Purpose-based writing5.3.5 Peer response and peer editing5.3.6 The authentic teaching materialsChapter VI. ConclusionBibliographyAppendix 1 CLEC 言语失误分类表(总数:61)Appendix 2 CLEC 标注说明 Appendix 3 CLEC 标准化处理后的各种失误频数及其比例Appendix 4 CLEC 按大类区分言语失误排列表Appendix 5 CLEC 中国学习者最常见的言语失误
标签:语言意识论文; 大学英语写作论文; 中国学习者英语语料库论文; 问题分析论文; 语言意识教学法论文;