
ABSTRACT摘要Chapter Ⅰ IntroductionChapter Ⅱ An Analysis of the World Heavy Truck Industry2.1 An Overview of the Heavy Duty Truck Industry in Major Countries& Regions2.1.1 Heavy Truck Industry in Europe2.1.2 Heavy Truck Industry in the United States2.2 Major Heavy Truck Enterprises in the World2.2.1 Volvo Group2.2.2 Kenworth Truck Company2.2.3 Daimler Group2.2.4 MAN Group2.3 New Developing Trend of Heavy Duty Trucks WorldwideChapter Ⅲ An Overview of China's Heavy Truck Industry and Exports Structure3.1 Heavy Duty Truck Industry in China3.1.1 Major Heavy Truck Enterprises in China3.1.2 Development of China's Heavy Trucks3.1.3 Technology Development3.2 Exports Structure of Heavy Trucks in China3.2.1 Overall Scale of China's Heavy Duty Truck Exports3.2.2 Geographical Distribution of China Heavy Duty Truck Export3.2.3 Export Markets of China Heavy Duty TrucksChapter Ⅳ Competitiveness Analysis of China's Heavy Truck Exports4.1 Indicators Measuring the Export Competitiveness4.1.1 Trade Competitive Index (TCI)4.1.2 Revealed Comparative Advantages (RCA)4.2 Export Competitiveness Indicators of China's Heavy Trucks4.2.1 Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) Analysis of China's Heavy Duty Trucks4.2.2 Trade Competitive Index (TCI) Analysis of China's Heavy Duty TrucksChapter Ⅴ SWOT Analysis of China Heavy Truck Exports5.1 Strength5.1.1 Relatively low price5.1.2 Plenitudinous Supply of Spare Parts5.1.3 A Full Range of Credit Insurance5.2 Weaknesses5.2.1 Backward Technology5.2.2 Low-grade Products5.2.3 Weak Awareness of Intellectual Property Rights5.3 Opportunities5.3.1 Overproduction of Heavy Trucks5.3.2 The Macroeconomic Environment in 20075.4 Threats5.4.1 The Rise in Oil Prices5.4.2 Intensified Competition among the Industry5.4.3 Constant Improvement of National Policy Standards5.5 Conclusions5.5.1 Strength-opportunity Strategy (SO)5.5.2 Weakness-opportunity Strategy (WO)Chapter Ⅵ Suggestions for Heavy Duty Truck Exports in China6.1 Accelerating Rationalization of China's Heavy-Duty Truck Industrial Organizations6.2 Establishing a System of Open Technological Progress6.2.1 Technological Progress System6.2.2 Specific Strategies6.3 A Variety of Ways to Promote Exports of the Autonomous Vehicle Brand56.4 Grasping the Market Development Trends and Formulating Export Policies6.5 Constructing Overseas After-sale Service Network6.6 ConclusionsREFERENCESACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
标签:重型载货车论文; 出口竞争力论文; 分析论文; 战略论文;