Abstract摘要List of FiguresList of TablesAbbreviationsContentsChapter One Introduction1.1 Introduction about Emily Dickinson1.2 Motivation for the Current Research1.3 Reasons for Adopting a Genre-centered Approach1.4 Significance for the Current Research1.5 Questions to Be Solved1.6 Research Methodology1.7 Organization of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Previous Researches on Emily Dickinson's Poems2.1.1 Studies Abroad2.1.2 Studies at Home2.1.3 Summary2.2 A Brief Review of Genre and Genre Analysis2.2.1 Study of Genre Abroad2.2.2 Study of Genre at HomeChapter Three Theoretical Framework3.1 A Brief Introduction of Systemic Functional Grammar3.2 Context of Culture:Genre and Social Purpose3.3 A Review of Martin's Genre Model of Text3.4 A Review of Labov's Narrative Structure3.5 Register Theory within the Framework of SFL:Field, Tenor, and Mode3.6 Transitivity System3.7 Theme and Thematic Structure3.7.1 Identification of Theme and Rheme3.7.2 Functions of the Theme3.7.3 An Introduction of Thematic Progression3.8 SummaryChapter Four A Practical Analysis of Emily Dickinson's Poems4.1 Brief Introduction4.2 A Practical Analysis of Narrative Poems4.2.1 An Analysis of Narrative Poems of Nature-themed4.2.1.1 An Analysis of the Poem in terms of Transitivity System4.2.1.2 An Analysis of the Poem in terms of Theme-Rheme Structure4.2.2 An Analysis on Narrative Poems of Death-themed4.2.2.1 Interpretation for the Narrative Poem from the Perspective of Transitivity System4.2.2.2 Interpretation for the Narrative Poem from the Perspective of Theme4.2.3 An analysis on Narrative Poems of Love-themed4.2.3.1 Interpretation for the Narrative Poem from the Perspective of Transitivity System4.2.3.2 Interpretation for the Narrative Poem from the Perspective of Thematic Structure4.3 A Practical Analysis of Descriptive Poems4.3.1 An Analysis of Descriptive Poems of Nature-themed4.3.1.1 An Analysis of the Poem in terms of Transitivity System4.3.1.2 An Analysis of the Poem in terms of Theme-Rheme Structure4.3.2 An Analysis on Descriptive Poems of Death-themed4.3.2.1 Interpretation for the Poem from the Perspective of Transitivity4.3.2.2 Interpretation for the Poem from the Perspective of Theme-Rheme Structure4.3.3 An Analysis on Descriptive Poems of Love-themed4.3.3.1 Interpretation of the Poem from the Perspective of Transitivity System4.3.3.2 Interpretation of the Poem from the Perspective of Theme-Rheme Structure4.4 SummaryChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Major Findings5.2 Pedagogical Implications5.3 Reflection on the Findings5.4 Limitations of the Current ResearchBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgements
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标签:艾米莉狄金森论文; 叙述性诗歌论文; 描述性诗歌论文; 及物性系统论文; 主位结构论文;