Abstract摘要Introduction0.1 The origin of the thesis0.2 The viewpoint of the thesis0.3 The significance of the research0.4 The organization of the thesisChapter One Brief Comments upon Previous Researches1.1 Brief review on the researches related to vocabulary acquisition1.1.1 General theoretical background1.1.2 Definition of vocabulary and vocabulary learning strategy1.2 Models of vocabulary learning1.2.1 Batia Laufer's vocabulary learning model1.2.2 Brown and Payne's vocabulary learning model1.2.3 Gu Yongqi's person-task-context-strategy model1.3 Taxonomy of vocabulary learning strategy1.3.1 Taxonomy of vocabulary learning strategy abroad1.3.2 Taxonomy of vocabulary learning strategy in China1.4 Summary on the literature reviewChapter Two The Present Problems of Vocabulary Learning in Vocational Technical College2.1 Objectives of the investigation2.2 Investigation Design2.2.1 Design of the questionnaires2.2.2 Subjects2.3 The results of the investigation2.4 Analysis and discussion of the results of the two questionnaires2.4.1 Teachers' view of vocabulary learning2.4.2 Students' view of vocabulary learning2.5 Conclusion to the investigationChapter Three Theoretical Framework for the Present Study3.1 Schmitt's vocabulary learning theory3.2 Theories related to language learning strategy3.2.1 Oxford's taxonomy of learning strategy3.2.2 Individual factors affecting vocabulary learning strategy3.2.3 Theories of language learning strategy training3.3 The perspective of cognitive linguistics3.3.1 General perspective of cognitive linguistics3.3.2 Three main approaches of cognitive linguistics3.4 SummaryChapter Four Lexical Knowledge→Strategies Instruction→Strategies Training→Strategies Application Model4.1 The general picture of the model4.2 Introduction to the steps of the model4.2.1 Lexical knowledge learning4.2.2 Instruction of vocabulary learning strategy4.2.3 Training of vocabulary learning strategies4.2.4 Application of vocabulary learning strategy4.3 Summary of the acquisition modelChapter Five The Results of a Model Application5.1 The objective of the study5.2 The design of the study5.2.1 Subjects5.2.2 Procedure5.2.3 Design of the questionnaire5.3 The results of the study5.4 Discussion and conclusionConclusionBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgements
标签:词汇习得论文; 策略教学论文; 策略训练论文; 策略应用论文; 高职学生论文;