摘要AbstractIntroductionChapter 1 Previous Studies on the Negative Clause in English1.1 Synchronic Studies on the Negative Clause in English1.2 Diachronic Studies on the Negative Clause in English1.3 Comments on the Previous Studies1.4 SummaryChapter 2 Theoretical Foundations2.1 The Prominence View2.2 The Markedness Theory2.3 Prominence and Markedness2.3.1 The Prominence of Marked Structures2.3.2 The Prominence of Marker2.4 SummaryChapter 3 The Negative Clause in Modern English3.1 Definition of the Negative Clause3.2 The Criteria of Determining the Negative Clause3.3 Negators and the Negative Clause3.3.1 Absolute Negators and the Negative Clause3.3.2 Relative Negators and the Negative Clause3.4 Types of Negative Clauses in Modern English3.4.1 General Negative Clauses3.4.2 Special Negative Clauses3.5 SummaryChapter 4 The Development of the Negative Clause in English4.1 The Reinforcement of the Negator4.1.1 The Phonetic Reinforcement of the Negator4.1.2 The Syntactic Reinforcement of the Negator4.2 The Forward Shifting of the Negator4.2.1 The Shifting of Not from the Postverbal Position to the Preverbal Position4.2.2 The Shifting of Not from Subordinate Clauses to Main Clauses4.2.3 The Shifting of Negative Adverbials from the Posterior Position to the Head of the Clause4.3 SummaryChapter 5 The Prominence View and the Development of the Negative Clause in English5.1 The Negative Clause as a Marked Structure5.2 Prominence and Markers of Negation5.3 Prominence and the Reinforcement of Markers of Negation5.3.1 Prominence and the Phonetic Reinforcement of Markers of Negation5.3.2 Prominence and the Syntactic Reinforcement of Markers of Negation5.4 Prominence and the Forward Shifting of Markers of Negation5.4.1 Prominence and the Shifting of Not from the Postverbal Position to the Preverbal Position5.4.2 Prominence and the Shifting of Not from Subordinate Clauses to Main Clauses5.4.3 Prominence and the Shifting of Negative Adverbials from the Posterior Position to the Head of the Clause5.5 SummaryConclusionBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgements
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标签:英语否定句论文; 嬗变论文; 认知解释论文; 突显论文; 否定标记论文;