Abstract摘要Introduction0.1 Significance & Purpose of this Research0.2 Brief Introduction of contents and structures of the thesisChapter One Literature Review1.1 Brief introduction of the previous study1.2 Theoretical Foundation1.2.1 Basic Concepts1.2.2 Native language Transfer and SLASummaryChapter Two CA of the Phonetic System between English and Changsha dialect2.1 A Brief Introduction of the Phonemes2.2 CA of the Consonant Phonemes of English & Changsha Dialect2.2.1 Description of Consonant System of English2.2.2 Description of the Consonant Systems of Chinese PTH and Changsha dialect2.2.3 Consonant the Consonant Phonemes of English and Changsha dialect2.3 Contrastive Analysis of Vowel Phonemes of English and Changsha Dialect2.3.1 Contrastive analysis of the monophthongs of English and Chinese PTH Changsha dialect2.3.2 Contrastive Analysis of the diphthongs of English and Chinese PTH and Changsha dialect2.4 Similarities and Differences between the phonemes of English and Chinese2.5 CA of Syllable Structure of English and Chinese2.5.1 Brief Introduction of the Syllable Structure of English and Chinese2.5.2 The Characteristics of the Syllable Structure of Chinese2.5.3 The Characteristics of the Syllable Structure of English2.5.4 Contrasting Consonants before the Nucleus of English and Chinese Syllables2.5.5 Contrasting Consonants after the Nucleus of English and Chinese Syllables2.5.6 Syllabic Consonants2.5.7 Similarities and Differences between the Syllable Structure of English and ChineseSummaryChapter Three Investigation and Analysis3.1 Related Investigation3.2 Typical Error Analysis3.2.1 Negative affection of vowel phonemes3.2.2 Transfer errors related to English phonemesSummaryChapter Four Countermeasures under the Guidance of SLA Theory4.1 Correcting Device and Strategies Research4.1.1 Principles of Correcting errors4.1.2 Correct skills4.2 Guaranteeing Necessary Instruction Time and Proper Teaching Materials4.2.1 Increasing the amount of instruction time4.2.2 Amplifying Teaching Materials4.3 Improving Affective Factors4.3.1 Inspiring Students' Motivation4.3.2 Boosting Students' Confidence4.3.3 Organizing a Supportive Learning Environment4.4 Decreasing Mother Tongue's Interference4.4.1 Analyzing Students' Difficulty4.4.2 Teaching the Techniques of Articulation4.4.3 Improving Student's Listening Ability4.5 Teaching Methods and Techniques4.5.1 Techniques of Practicing Sounds4.5.2 Techniques of Practicing Stress and Intonation4.5.3 Techniques of Correcting Mistakes4.6 Compiling a Guidance Brochure and Experimental Teaching4.7 Assessment SystemSummaryConclusionBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgements
标签:长沙方言论文; 英语语音论文; 典型错误分析论文; 纠错策略论文;