摘要AbstractContentsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 An Overview1.2 The Objective and the Significance of This Thesis1.3 The Organization of This ThesisChapter 2 Metaphor2.1 Traditional Theories of Metaphor2.1.1 The Comparison Theory2.1.2 The Substitution Theory2.1.3 The Interaction Theory2.2 Conceptual Metaphor2.2.1 The Philosophical Basis of Conceptual Metaphor2.2.2 The Definition of Conceptual Metaphor2.2.3 The Types of Conceptual Metaphor2.2.3.1 Structural Metaphors2.2.3.2 Orientational Metaphors2.2.3.3 Ontological Metaphors2.2.4 The Working Mechanism of Conceptual Metaphor2.3 SummaryChapter 3 Lexical Meaning and Lexical Meaning Extension3.1 A Brief Introduction of Traditional Lexical Meaning Study3.1.1 The Brief Study of Lexical Meaning in Ancient Times3.1.2 The Brief Study of Lexical Meaning in Recent Times3.1.3 The Brief Study of Lexical Meaning from the Cognitive View3.2 Lexical Meaning Extension3.2.1 The Definition of Lexical Meaning Extension3.2.2 The Causes of Lexical Meaning Extension3.2.3 The Result of Lexical Meaning Extension-Polysemy3.2.3.1 The Definition of Polysemy3.2.3.2 The Classical Approach to Polysemy3.2.3.3 Cognitive Polysemy3.3 SummaryChapter 4 The Influence of Metaphor on the Extension of Meaning about Weather Conditions4.1 Cognitive Mechanism of Lexical Meaning Extension4.1.1 Categorization and Prototype Theory4.1.1.1 A Brief Introduction of Categorization and Prototype Theory4.1.1.2 Polysemy as a Prototypical Category4.1.2 Image Schema4.1.2.1 The Definition of Image Schema4.1.2.2 The Characteristics of Image Schema4.1.2.3 Image Schema and Polysemy4.1.3 Summary4.2 The Working Mechanism of Metaphorical Extension of Lexical Meaning4.2.1 The Definition of Metaphorical Extension4.2.2 The Bridge of Lexical Metaphorical Extension-Domain Mapping4.2.3 The Models of Metaphorical Extension of Lexical Meaning about Weather4.2.4 The Working Mechanism of Metaphorical Extension of Lexical Meaning and Polysemy4.2.5 The Metaphorical Extension of Lexical Meaning and Conversion of Parts of Speech4.2.5.1 The General Idea of Conversion of Parts of Speech and Metaphorical Extension of Lexical Meaning4.2.5.2 The Patterns of Metaphorical Conversion and the Extension of Lexical Meaning4.2.6 SummaryChapter 5 A Case Study:Fog5.1 The Definition of Fog5.2 The Protomeaning of Fog5.3 The Image Schema of Fog5.4 The Models of Metaphorical Meaning Extension of Fog5.5 Metaphorical Conversion of Parts of Speech of Fog5.6 SummaryChapter 6 ConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements个人简历发表的学术论文
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标签:隐喻论文; 语义扩展论文; 语义扩展机制论文; 一词多义论文; 词性的隐喻转化论文;