Abstract摘要ContentsList of Figures and TablesList of AbbreviationsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Rationale and significance of the study1.2 Research questions1.3 Research methodology and data collection1.4 Outline of the studyChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Research on news translation at home2.1.1 From the perspective of translation studies2.1.2 From the perspective of news translation principles2.1.3 From the perspective of news translation methods2.2 Research on news translation abroad2.2.1 From the perspective of translation studies2.2.2 From the perspective of news translation methods2.2.3 From the perspective of communication studies2.3 SummaryChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 Overview of functionalist approaches3.1.1 Participants in translation process3.1.2 Functional translation principles3.2 Overview of Gatekeeping theory3.2.1 White's gatekeeping model3.2.2 Bass's gatekeeping model3.3 Implications of the theories into news translation3.3.1 Implications of functionalist approaches for news translation3.3.2 Implications of gatekeeping theory for news translation3.4 SummaryChapter 4 News Profile4.1 What is news?4.1.1 Definition of news4.1.2 Classification of news4.1.3 News values4.2 What is news for?4.3 Text structure of news4.4 The language of news4.4.1 Lexical characteristics4.4.2 Syntactical characteristics4.4.3 Rhetorical characteristics4.5 News as manipulated information4.6 SummaryChapter5 News translation as Gatekeeping5.1 Definition of news translation5.2 News translation as gatekeeping5.3 Features of news translation5.3.1 Time efficiency5.3.2 Special translating way required5.3.3 Style of target news text5.3.4 Pursuit of accuracy5.4 Major difficulties in news translation5.4.1 Situational factors in gatekeeping5.4.2 Deal with stylistic characteristics of news English5.4.3 Balance accuracy and time limits5.4.4 Skills of transediting5.5 Transediting as the most effective gatekeeping operation in news translation5.5.1 Transformation analysis5.5.2 Transfer analysis5.6 Translator's role in news translation5.7 SummaryChapter 6 News translators' gatekeeping model6.1 Identify translation brief6.2 Analyze source text6.3 Categorize translation problems and correspondent translation strategies6.4 Case study6.5 SummaryChapter 7 Conclusion7.1 The research findings7.2 Implications7.3 Limitations7.4 Suggestions for future studyBibliographyAcknowledgementsAppendix
标签:英汉新闻编译论文; 新闻译者论文; 把关模式论文;
新闻译者的把关模式 ——功能派理论在《参考消息》编译中的运用