作者(2019)在《Adsorption behaviors of avian immunoglobulins and purification of immunoglobulin Y from chicken serum with mixed-mode resins》一文中研究指出:The importance of immunoglobulin Y(IgY) as a specific antibody equivalent to mammalian immunoglobulin G(IgG) is well recognized. However, production of highly purified IgY is still difficult due to the lack of specific purification methods. In this study, adsorption behaviors of Ig Y on four mixed-mode resins with functional ligands of 4-mercatoethyl-pyridine(MEP), 2-mercapto-1-methyli-midazole(MMI), 5-aminobenzi-midazole(ABI) and tryptophan-5-aminobenzi-midazole(W-ABI) were evaluated. The results showed that high adsorption ratio were found at p H 6.0–7.0 with little adsorption under acidic conditions. The resin with ABI ligand was then used to separate IgY from immunized chicken serum. An efficient process with Ig Y purity of 95% and recovery of 90% was developed after optimization of loading and elution p H and injection volume. The biological activity of the purified Ig Y was fully maintained. These results indicated that mixed-mode chromatography with specially-designed ligands has great potential for the separation of Ig Y from crude feedstock.
The importance of immunoglobulin Y(IgY) as a specific antibody equivalent to mammalian immunoglobulin G(IgG) is well recognized. However, production of highly purified IgY is still difficult due to the lack of specific purification methods. In this study, adsorption behaviors of Ig Y on four mixed-mode resins with functional ligands of 4-mercatoethyl-pyridine(MEP), 2-mercapto-1-methyli-midazole(MMI), 5-aminobenzi-midazole(ABI) and tryptophan-5-aminobenzi-midazole(W-ABI) were evaluated. The results showed that high adsorption ratio were found at p H 6.0–7.0 with little adsorption under acidic conditions. The resin with ABI ligand was then used to separate IgY from immunized chicken serum. An efficient process with Ig Y purity of 95% and recovery of 90% was developed after optimization of loading and elution p H and injection volume. The biological activity of the purified Ig Y was fully maintained. These results indicated that mixed-mode chromatography with specially-designed ligands has great potential for the separation of Ig Y from crude feedstock.
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标签:Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering2019年03期论文;
:Adsorption behaviors of avian immunoglobulins and purification of immunoglobulin Y from chicken serum with mixed-mode resins论文