致谢摘要Abstract1 前言1.1 课题研究的意义(Research significance)1.2 国内外研究现状(Research actuality at home and overseas)1.2.1 深井软岩巷道的矿压显现(Deep soft-rock ground pressure of1.2.2 围岩稳定性控制研究现状(Rock stability control research status)1.3 本文研究的内容和方法(Study on goals and contents of this article)1.3.1 研究内容(Research contents)1.3.2 研究方法和技术路线(Research on methods and techniques line) .2 工程地质条件2.1 井田地质(Mine geology)2.1.1 构造地质(Structural geology)2.1.2 地层岩性(Lithology)2.2 巷道围岩工程地质条件(The engineering geological conditions of the2.2.1 构造地质情况(Construction geological conditions)2.2.2 水文地质条件(Hydrological and geological conditions)2.2.3 地层岩性(The lithology of roadway)2.3 工程岩组的划分和难度系数的确定(The identification of engineering group of rock and determination of the coefficient of difficulty)2.3.1 工程岩组的划分(The determination of rock group project)2.3.2 难度系数的概念及确定(The concept and determination of the coefficient of difficulty)2.4 本章小结(Conclusion of this chapter)3 原支护巷道的变形破坏特征3.1 巷道原支护情况(The situation of the original supporting)3.2 原支护巷道变形破坏特征(The situation of roadway deformation and3.3 原支护巷道矿压观测结果及分析(The results and analysis of the original mine pressure)3.4 本章小结(Conclusion of this chapter)4 深部巷道变形破坏机理分析3D 简介(Brief introduction of FLAC3D)'>4.1 FLAC3D 简介(Brief introduction of FLAC3D)4.2 地质工程模型(Geological engineering model)4.3 支护力学模型及分析(Supporting mechanical model and analysis)4.4 巷道变形破坏分析(The causes of roadway deformation and damage)4.5 本章小结(Conclusion of this chapter)5 -1000m 水平联络大巷新开段支护技术研究5.1 支护设计原则(Supporting design principles)5.2 成功支护的技术关键与对策(The key technical and countermeasure of success supporting)5.2.1 技术关键(Key technology)5.2.2 软岩类型判断(Judging soft rock type)5.2.3 支护对策分析(Support Measures Analysis)5.3 支护设计方法和依据(The method and the basis of supporting design)5.4 支护方案设计(Supporting design)5.4.1 支护方式(Supporting way)5.4.2 支护材料及支护参数(Supporting materials and support paramete5.5 施工过程设计(Construction design)5.5.1 施工顺序(Construction sequence)5.5.2 施工工艺(Construction technology)5.6 新支护方案力学作用过程分析(The analysis of new supporting of the mechanical process of the program)5.7 本章小结(Conclusion of this chapter)6 工程实践6.1 现场施工情况概述(Summary of the construction site)6.2 矿压监测结果及分析(The results and analysis of mine pressure monitored)6.3 支护材料成本初步估算及对比(The preliminary cost estimates and contrast to supporting materials)6.3.1 原支护方案材料成本估算(The material cost estimates of the old supporting)6.3.2 节理化砂泥岩组段支护材料成本估算(The material cost estimates of physicochemical sandshale section)6.3.3 断层破碎带段支护材料成本估算(The material cost estimates of the fault section )6.4 本章小结(Conclusion of this chapter)7 主要结论参考文献作者简历学位论文数据集
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标签:深井软岩巷道论文; 围岩破坏机理论文; 控制技术论文;