
AcknowledgementsAbstract in EnglishAbstract in ChineseChapter 1. Introduction1.1 "调侃" -a Language Phenomenon in Beijing Dialect1.2 The Major Task1.3 Data Resources and Feasibility Study1.4 Significance of ResearchChapter 2. Definition and Linguistic-Cultural Nature2.1 Definition of "调侃"2.1.1 An Inconsistency Between Chinese Definition and Its English Translation2.1.2 Cognitive Linguistic Study of the Definition2.2 Linguistic-Cultural Nature2.2.1 Conception of "Style"2.2.2 Relationship between Style, Linguistic System and Socio-Cultural ContextChapter 3. A Review of the Socio-cultural Background of Beijing-style "调侃"3.1 A Survey of Beijing Citizens3.1.1. Ordinary Citizens of Beijing—Speakers of "调侃" in Beijing Dialect3.1.2. Social Structure of Beijing Citizens in Perspective of History and Characteristics3.2. Beijing Dialect and "调侃" Style3.2.1 The History of Beijing Dialect3.2.2 Beijing-style Works, and the Beijing-style "调侃" in ThemChapter 4. Linguistic and Ethnographic Study of Beijing-Style "调侃"4.1 Style and Register Study4.1.1 Lexical Level4.1.2 Discourse Level4.2 Rhetorical Study4.2.1 Metaphor4.2.2 Analogy4.2.3 Hyperbole4.2.4 Anticlimax4.2.5 Irony4.3 Logic Study4.3.1 Misinterpretation4.3.2 Absurdity4.3.3 Sophism4.4 Pragmatic Study4.4.1 Co-operative Principle4.4.1.1 Violation of Quantity4.4.1.2 Violation of Quality4.4.1.3 Violation of Relevance4.4.1.4 Violation of Manner4.5 Ethnographic Study4.5.1 Schema of "SPEAKING"4.5.2 Ethnographic Study in the Framework of "SPEAKING"Chapter 5. Social Psychology of Contemporary Ordinary Beijing Citizens5.1 Tendency to Be More Variable on Psychological Level5.2 Temporary Spiritual Release5.3 Imaginative Participation5.4 Cultivation of Self-esteem5.5 Degradation of Power/ AuthorityChapter 6. ConclusionAppendicesAppendix I List of the Source MaterialsAppendix II List of TablesBibliography
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标签:当代京味儿调侃语论文; 言语风格论文; 修辞学论文; 逻辑学论文; 语用学论文; 人类语言学论文;
Linguistic and Socio-Psychological Study of “调侃” in Contemporary Beijing Dialect