DeclarationAcknowledgementAbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Research Orientation1.2 Rationale for the Present Study1.3 Defining Chinglish and Internal Context1.4 Research Questions1.5 Contents of the Remaining ChaptersChapter Two Review of Related Literature2.1 Overview2.2 Transfer in Second Language Learning2.3 Classification of Transfer on the basis of linguistic Structures2.4 A Brief Review of Studies on Chinglish2.4.1 History of Chinglish2.4.2 Chinglish and China English2.4.3 Studies on Chinglish2.5 Context and Second language Acquisition2.5.1 The Notion of Context2.5.2 Appearance of Internal Context2.5.3 Studies on Internal Context2.5.4 Chinglish and the Compensation hypothesis2.6 SummaryChapter Three The Study3.1 Overview3.2 Research Design3.3 Two Pilot Studies3.4 Participants3.5 The Writing Task3.6 Procedures for Data Collection3.6.1 Chinglish Identification3.6.2 Think-aloud While Correcting Errors3.6.3 Interviews3.7 Data Analysis3.8 SummaryChapter Four Result of the Study4.1 Overview4.2 Patterns of Chinglish4.2.1 Chinglish is Translated from Chinese4.2.2 Chinglish is Analogized from English Expressions Learned before4.2.3 Chinglish Results from Poor Performance4.2.4 Chinglish is Caused by External Stimulus4.2.5 Chinglish is Learned4.3 Identification of Mismatch of Chinglish Forms with L1 Contextual Knowledge4.4 SummaryChapter Five...Discussion and Conclusions5.1 Overview5.2 Major Findings5.3 Discussion5.3.1 L1 translation or Intra-lingual Analogy5.3.2 Chinglish Forms Mismatch with L1 Contextual Knowledge5.3.3 Poverty of Authentic Context:a Hotbed for Chinglish5.4 Limitations of the Present Study and Recommendations for Future Research5.5 Implications of the Present StudyReferenceAppendices
标签:汉式英语论文; 补缺假说论文; 内部语境论文;