
中文摘要ABSTRACTChapter I Introduction1.1 Research Background of This Thesis1.2 Research Questions and the Significance of the Study1.3 An Overview of the Structure of the ThesisChapter II An Overview of Hermeneutic Translation Theory2.1 The Origin of Hermeneutics2.2 Representatives of Hermeneutical Translation Theory2.2.1 Friedrich Schleiermacher2.2.2 Martin Heidegger2.2.3 Hans-Georg Gadamer2.2.4 George Steiner2.3 The Nature and Features of Hermeneutic Translation Theory2.3.1 Translation is the Process of Understanding2.3.2 The Translatability of Language2.3.3 Hermeneutic Motion2.4 Contemporary Criticism of Hermeneutic Translation Theory at Home and Abroad2.4.1 Contemporary Criticism of Hermeneutic Translation Theory in Western Countries2.4.2 Contemporary Criticism of Hermeneutic Translation Theory in ChinaChapter III An Analysis if Mudan’s Translation of Don Juan from the Perspective of Hermeneutic Translation Theory3.1 “Understanding as Translation”3.1.1 A Hermeneutic Analysis of Mudan’s Translation of Don Juan3.1.2 A Hermeneutic Analysis of Mudan’s Translation of Don Juan on the Cultural and Historical Level3.2 Translatable or Untranslatable3.2.1 The Translatability Issue on the Textual Level3.2.2 Translatability of Western Traditional Culture3.3 Analysis of the “Concrete Steps”of Mudan’s Translation of Don Juan3.3.1 The Trustiness of the Source Language3.3.2 Aggression of the Essential Spirit into the Original3.3.3 The Importing of the Original and the Expressing in the Target Language3.3.4 Compensating to Maintain the BalanceChapter IV The Limitation of Hermeneutic Interpretation of Mudan’s Translation and Possibility of Interpretation from the Perspectives of Other Translation Theories4.1 The Limitatinon of Hermenetutic Interpretation of Mudan’s Translation4.2 The Possibility Investigation of Analyzing Mudan’s Translation of Don Juan from Other Translation TheoriesChapter V Conclusion and Perpsectives5.1 Conclusion5.2 PerspectivesBibliographyAcknowledgements
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标签:诠释学翻译理论论文; 穆旦诗译论文; 唐璜论文; 分析解读论文;