Abstract摘要ContentsList of FiguresList of TablesChapter 1 Introduction1.1 General statement1.2 Rationale and significance of the study1.3 Research objectives1.4 Research questions1.5 Research methodology and data collection1.6 Organization of the studyChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Overview2.2 Functionalist approaches in translation2.3 A brief introduction to text analysis in translation2.4 Studies on translation of scenic spots introductions2.4.1 Definition of tourism translation2.4.2 Researches abroad2.4.3 Researches at home2.5 SummaryChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 Overview3.2 Mapping out the theoretical framework3.3 Translation brief in functional theory of translation3.4 Nord's text typologies3.5 Major factors of the translation process and the source text analysis3.5.1 The initiator3.5.2 The translator3.5.3 The role and function of the source text analysis3.6 The factors of source text analysis3.6.1 The extratextual factors3.6.2 The intratextual factors3.7 SummaryChapter 4 Analysis of the Extratextual and Intratextual Factors in Chinese and English Scenic Spots Introductions4.1 Overview4.2 A working definition of scenic spots introductions4.3 Extratextual factors analysis in Chinese and English scenic spots introductions4.4 Intratextual factors analysis of Chinese scenic spots introductions4.4.1 Content and composition4.4.2 Lexis4.4.3 Sentences4.5.Intratextual factors analysis of English scenic spots introductions4.5.1 Content and composition4.5.2 Lexis4.5.3 Sentences4.6 SummaryChapter 5 Classifying the Problems in the C-E Translation of Scenic Spots Introductions5.1 An overview of a functional classification of translation problems5.2 Linguistic translation problems5.2.1 Lexical level5.2.2 Syntactical level5.3 Cultural translation problems5.4 SummaryChapter 6 An Application of the Translation-Oriented Text Analysis to the C-E Translation of Scenic Spots Introductions6.1 Overview6.2 Case one6.2.1 Formulating the translation brief6.2.2 Source text analysis6.2.3 Suggested translation:an adjustment of text composition6.3 Case two6.3.1 Formulating the translation brief6.3.2 Source text analysis6.3.3 Suggested translation:audience orientation6.4 SummaryChapter 7 Conclusion7.1 Major findings of the research7.2 Limitations of the study7.3 Suggestions for future studiesBibliographyAcknowledgementsAppendix 1:The collection of Chinese tourist information texts(50)Appendix 2:The collection of English tourist information texts(50)Appendix 3:Text 1 for the case studyAppendix 4:Text 2 for the case studyAppendix 5:Emei Mountain IntroductionAppendix 6:The Tower of London VS.黄鹤楼
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标签:文内论文; 文外因素论文; 文本分析论文; 功能派视角论文; 旅游景点简介的英译论文;