本文采用描述分析方法,对律师辩论中的模糊限制语现象进行研究,切入点是Brown和Levinson的礼貌策略,旨在研究律师辩论中这二者的作用和内在关系。 根据Hyland对模糊限制语的分类,本论文围绕着三类模糊限制语进行讨论:说者指向类,听者指向类和准确性指向类。同时分析的角度来自于Brown和Levinson的面子保全理论:积极礼貌策略,消极礼貌策略和非公开的礼貌策略。但是并非每种模糊限制语都可以对应三种礼貌策略,这要根据已建立的理论框架来分析。 本文试图从中找到律师使用模糊限制语所能达到的面子保全作用,即律师如何在使用模糊限制语在法庭上避免听者的反感,建立融洽的关系和实现劝说的目的。此外,通过对书面和口头辩论中的比较,本文对三类模糊限制语和三种礼貌策略的使用频率作了初探。 我们希望,本文的研究能够丰富现存的对模糊限制语的研究,进一步加深对律师在礼貌策略使用上的认识。
DeclarationAcknowledgementsAbstract中文摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 Rationale of the Present Study1.3 Objectives of the Study and Research Questions1.4 Data and Methodology1.5 Organization of the ThesisChapter 2 Review of Related Literature2.1 Overview2.2 Studies on the Court Arguments2.3 Brown and Levinson's Face Theory2.3.1 Concept of "Face" and "Politeness"2.3.2 Face-threatening Acts (FTAs)2.3.3 B&L's Model of Means of Realizing Politeness Strategies2.4 The Study on Politeness in Legal Context2.5 SummaryChapter 3 Theoretical Framework of the Study3.1 Introduction3.2 The Hyland's Framework3.3 The Analytical Framework of the Study3.4 SummaryChapter 4 Analysis of Hedging from the Perspective of Politeness Strategy4.1 Introduction4.2 Speaker-oriented Hedges in Lawyers' Arguments4.2.1 Negative Politeness in Form of Speaker-oriented Hedges4.2.1.1 Absence of Speaker4.2.1.2 Abstract Rhetors4.2.1.3 Minimizing the Imposition4.2.2 Positive Politeness in Forms of Speaker-oriented Hedges4.2.2.1 Avoiding Disagreement4.2.2.2 Offering Help4.2.2.3 Personal Attribution4.3 Hearer-oriented Hedges in Lawyers' Arguments4.3.1 Negative Politeness in Forms of Hearer-oriented Hedges4.3.2 Positive Politeness in Forms of Hearer-oriented Hedges4.3.2.1 Being Optimistic4.3.2.2 Showing Deference4.3.2.3 Presupposing/raising/asserting Common Ground4.3.3 Off-record Strategy in Forms of Hearer-oriented Hedges4.3.3.1 Hypothetical Conditional4.3.3.2 Rhetorical Questions4.3.3.3 Displace H4.4 Accuracy-oriented Hedges in Lawyers' Arguments4.4.1 Content Disjuncts4.4.2 Approximator4.5 SummaryChapter 5 Case Analysis in Lawyer's Arguments5.1 Introduction5.2 Analysis of a Written Chinese Argument5.3 Analysis of An Oral Chinese Argument5.4 ConclusionChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Summary of the Present Study6.2 Major findings6.3 Implications6.4 Limitations and Suggestions for the Further ResearchAppendixReferences:
标签:律师辩论论文; 模糊限制语论文; 礼貌策略论文; 面子保全论文;