ACKNOWLEDGMENTABSTRACT摘要CONTENTSLIST OF FIGURESNOTATIONSCHAPTER(1):Introduction1.1 PREFACE1.2 Objective of the study1.3 Concluding RemarksCHAPTER(2):Literature Review2.1 Historical background.2.2 Types of Bridges2.3 Some Method of Analysis2.3.1 Static Analysis of Bridges2.4 Finite Prism Method2.5 Concluding RemarksCHAPTER(3) Finite Prism Formulation3.1 Introduction3.2 Finite Prism Idealization3.3 Static Analysis of Bridges3.3.1 Displacement Function3.3.2 Strains3.3.3 Stresses3.4 Formulation of The Stiffness And ForceMatrices3.4.1 Stiffness Matrix3.4.2 Force Matrices3.5 Numerical Evaluation of The Integrals3.6 Formulation of Curved Prism Element3.6.1 Displacement Function3.6.2 Strains3.6.3 Stresses3.8 Concluding RemarksCHAPTER(4) Assessment of The Method4.1 Introduction4.2 Static Analysis4.2.1 Simply Supported Curved Plate Subjected to Concentrated Loads4.2.2 Simply Supported Square Isotropic Square Plate Subjected to Uniformly Distributed Load4.2.3 Simply Supported Twin-Cell Box Girder Bridge Curved In Plan4.2.4 Straight Twin Cell Box Girder Bridge4.2.5 Simply Supported Deck Girder BridgeConcluding RemarksCHAPTER(5) Conclusions And Recommendations5.1 Summary5.2 Conclusions5.3 RecommendationsREFERENCES
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