Abstract摘要1 Introduction2 Some physics backgrounds2.1 Signatures for nuclear phase transitions2.2 Bag model of a Hadron2.3 Recombination model of hadronization2.4 Kinetic description and equation of state2.5 Units3 Our transport model3.1 Program flow3.2 Initialization3.2.1 Impact parameter3.2.2 Positions of projectile and target3.2.3 Initial momenta3.3 Decay of resonance3.4 Collision probability3.5 Types of collisions3.5.1 Free quarks3.5.2 Low energy density case3.6 Hadronization3.6.1 Gluon break3.6.2 Quarks recombination3.7 Particle record4 Transition between meson-system and QGP in an infinite system4.1 The entropy of the system4.2 Entropy for an ideal pion gas4.3 Resonances4.4 Transition between hadron gas and QGP4.5 Mean field effects5 Hadron-Hadron collision5.1 Multiplicity of charged particle5.2 Pseudorapidity distribution5.3 Mass distribution5.4 Phase transitions and critical exponents5.5 Ratios of particle5.6 Extensive study5.6.1 Reynolds number5.6.2 Elliptic flow6 Conclusion and outlook7 AcknowledgementsA List of publicationB Studied abroadC Decay ChannelsD Particle DataE Input file
标签:输运模型论文; 相空间论文; 演化论文; 碰撞几率论文; 平均自由程论文; 局域密度论文; 热平衡论文; 截面论文; 状态方程论文; 赝快度论文; 横动量论文; 多重数论文; 相变论文;