中文摘要Abstract in EnglishChapter One Introduction1.1 A Brief Introduction to the Cognitive Stylistic Approach to Translation1.2 Literary Review of the Cognitive Stylistic Approach to Translation1.2.1 Previous Research Abroad on the Cognitive Stylistic Approach to Translation1.2.2 Previous Research at Home on the Cognitive Stylistic Approach to Translation1.3 The Objectives of the Thesis1.4 Research Methodology of this Thesis1.5 The Significance of this Thesis1.6 The Layout of this ThesisChapter Two An Overview of Cognitive Stylistics2.1 The Main Theory of Cognitive Stylistics2.1.1 What is Cognitive Stylistics?2.1.2 The Main Study Approaches and Strategies of Cognitive Stylistics2.2 Cognitive Stylistics and Traditional Stylistics2.2.1 A Brief Introduction to Traditional Stylistics2.2.2 The Relationship between Cognitive Stylistics and Traditional Stylistics2.3 Cognitive Stylistics and Cognitive Poetics2.3.1 A Brief Introduction to Cognitive Poetics2.3.2 The Relationship between Cognitive Stylistics and Cognitive Poetics2.4 SummaryChapter Three Linguistic and Cognitive Trends of Translation in Recent Decades3.1 Linguistic and Cultural Turns of Translation Study since the 1970s3.2 Previous Cognitive and Linguistic Approaches to Translation3.2.1 Cognitive Linguistic Approach to Translation3.2.2 Relevance Theory and Translation3.2.3 Schema Theory and Translation3.3 SummaryChapter Four Translation Study with Cognitive Stylistic Theory4.1 Cognitive Stylistic Approach to Translation4.1.1 The Main Ideas of Cognitive Stylistics to Translation4.1.2 Style in the Text and Translation4.1.3 Cognition in the Text and Translation4.2 The Main Strategies of Cognitive Stylistics to Translation Practice4.2.1 Foregrounding and Translation4.2.2 Cognitive Metaphor and Translation4.2.3 Cognitive Context and Translation4.2.4 Ambiguity and Translation4.2.5 Constraint,Creativity and Translation4.3 New Perspective to Some Traditional Issues under Cognitive Stylistic Translation Theory4.3.1 The Definition of Translation Activities4.3.2 Equivalence between Source and Target Text4.3.3 The Relationship between Theory and Translation4.3.4 Faithfulness and Allegiance in Translation4.4 SummaryChapter Five Case Analysis of English-to-Chinese Literary Translation with CognitiveStylistic Approaches5.1 Reasons to Pick up the Three Literary Works as Case Studies5.2 Analysis of the Translation of Salinger's Novel The Catcher in the Rye5.2.1 Significance of the Writer and the Work5.2.2 Analysis of the Cognitive Context in the Novel5.2.3 Case Analysis with the Perspective of Cognitive Stylistics5.3 Analysis of the Translation of Emerson's Essays5.3.1 Significance of the Writer and the Work5.3.2 Analysis of the Cognitive Context of Emerson's Work5.3.3 Case Analysis with the Perspective of Cognitive Stylistics5.4 Analysis of the Translation of Dickinson's Poems5.4.1 Significance of the Writer and the Work5.4.2 Analysis of the Cognitive Context of the Poems5.4.3 Case Analysis with the Perspective of Cognitive Stylistics5.5 SummaryChapter Six The Role of the Translator and the Value of Translated Text under CognitiveStylistic Approach to Translation6.1 Traditional View on Translator in the Past Decades6.2 The View on the Translator with the Insight of Cognitive Stylistic Approach6.3 The Creativity of Translated Text in Cognitive Stylistic Approach6.4 SummaryChapter Seven Conclusion7.1 Major Findings of this Thesis7.1.1 The Newness and Advantage of Cognitive Stylistic Approach to Translation7.1.2 Some Applicable techniques of Cognitive Stylistic Approach for English-to-Chinese Literary translation7.1.3 New interpretation for Some Traditional Issues under Cognitive Stylistic Approach to Translation7.1.4 The Task of Translator and the Importance of Translated Text7.2 Limitation and Prospect of this ResearchBibliographyAcknowledgementsResumePublication during MA Study in Fuzhou University
标签:认知文体学论文; 文学翻译论文; 认知与思维论文; 实例研究论文; 译者与译本论文;