Abstract摘要IntroductionChapter One Literature Review1.1 Definition of Reading1.2 Definition of Reading Strategy1.3 Importance of English Reading1.4 Current Situation of English Reading Teaching in Senior Middle School in China1.5 Research on the English Reading Strategy Training at Home and Abroad1.6 PurposesChapter Two Theoretical Basis2.1 Schema Theory2.2 Input Hypothesis and Affective Filter HypothesisChapter Three Design of the Present Study3.1 Subjects3.2 Instruments3.3 Reading Comprehension TestChapter Four Procedures of the Experiment4.1 Pre-test4.2 Choice of Suitable Reading Materials4.3 The Arrangement of the Experimental Teaching4.3.1 Phasel:Preparations for Reading Strategy training4.3.2 Phase 2: Presentation of the Chosen Strategies The Experiment Content4.3.3 Phase 3: Practice4.4 Post-testChapter Five Collection and Analysis of the Data of the Experiment5.1 Data Collection5.2 Data Analysis5.2.1 Influence of the Strategy Training on the Students' Overall Reading Proficiency5.2.2 Accuracy comparison of the 4 types of questions between the experimental and control groups5.2.3 Effect of the training on students of different levels5.2.4 Experimental group's attitudes towards the strategy trainingConclusionBibliographyAppendixesAppendix IAppendix II在读期间主要科研成果Acknowledgements
标签:英语阅读教学论文; 阅读策略论文; 训练论文; 有效性论文;