作为语言交际单位,语篇(text)指任何长度的,在意义上完整的口语和书面语的段落。语篇与非语篇的根本区别在于是否具有语篇性(texture),而语篇性是由衔接关系形成的(Halliday and Hasan 1976:2)。可见,衔接是语篇分析领域中的最基本的概念之一,也是语篇分析的重要课题。一般认为,Halliday和Hasan合著的《英语中的衔接》(Cohesion in English)一书的出版标志着衔接理论的创立。衔接理论自出现以来就在学术界引起广泛的关注,因为它对语篇分析、翻译理论、人机对话和文体学研究的发展都起着不可估量的作用。国内外学者虽从20世纪下半叶就对语篇的衔接进行了一定的研究,但多集中在常规的语法和词汇等表层结构的衔接手段上。张德禄(1999)在评价Halliday和Hasan的衔接理论时指出还有一些其他衔接手段他们没有研究,如语音语调的衔接作用,时态语态的衔接作用,及物性系统的衔接作用等。 “时”、“体”与“时间”这三个概念的关系及各自的体系从亚里士多德至今已被无数语言学家探讨过,但目前尚无定论。多数语言学家认为英语中有两时两体。英语中虽然没有将来时,却不缺乏将来时间的表达方法。时和体既可分开使用,又可结合起来使用,从而构成复合体形式。时体可作为解释动作、事件及过程的时间框架。而传统上对动词的时体研究则限定在句子范畴内,未将其扩展到语篇层次。 时体能否起到语篇衔接的作用呢?这一问题曾引起过西方学者的兴趣,国内也曾有学者对此做出过论述。一致认为,时体形式是构成连贯性语篇的重要结构衔接手段。而动词的时体形式作为语篇衔接手段在70年代后期才逐渐引起语言学家的重视,国内外仅有为数不多的几位语言学家对此做过研究。对动词时体的语篇衔接功能所做的为数不多的研究,也多集中于小说中的自由直接引语和自由间接引语,而对时体在其他语篇类型中所起的衔接
AcknowledgementsAbstract (Chinese)Abstract (English)List of figures and tablesContentsIntroduction0.1 The purpose of studying cohesion0.2 The purpose of studying the cohesive function of tenses and aspects0.3 Methodology and data collectionChapter One Literature Review of Studies on Cohesion, Tense and Aspect1.1 Introduction1.2 Studies on cohesion1.2.1 Researches carried out abroad and at home1.2.2 Halliday and Hasan's cohesion theory1.2.3 Comment1.3 Studies on the cohesive function of tenses and aspects1.3.1 Researches carried out abroad1.3.2 Researches carried out in China1.3.3 Comment1.4 SummaryChapter Two The Meanings and Usages of Tenses and Aspects of English Verbs2.1 Introduction2.2 Defining tense and aspect2.2.1 Defining tense2.2.2 Defining aspect2.2.3 Approach adopted in this thesis2.3 Expressions of present time and their usages2.3.1 Tenses referring to present2.3.2 Aspects referring to present2.4 Expressions of past time and their usages2.4.1 Tenses referring to past2.4.2 Aspects referring to past2.5 Expressions of future time and their usages2.5.1 Will/shall + infinitive2.5.2 Be going to /be to + infinitive2.5.3 Be + progressive aspect2.5.4 The Simple Present2.5.5 Will/shall+ progressive/perfective infinitive2.6 SummaryChapter Three Investigations of the Use of Tenses and Aspects in English Texts3.1 Introduction3.2 Investigations of the use of tenses and aspects in narrative texts3.3 Investigations of the use of tenses and aspects in expository texts3.4 Investigations of the use of tenses and aspects in argumentative texts3.5 Investigations of the use of tenses and aspects in descriptive texts3.6 SummaryChapter Four The Cohesive Function of Tenses and Aspects in English Texts: Case Studies4.1 Introduction4.2 The cohesive function of the Simple Present4.3 The cohesive function of the Simple Past4.4 The cohesive function of the progressive aspect4.5 The cohesive function of the perfective aspect4.6 Exceptional uses of the Simple Present in texts4.6.1 Historical Present in narrative texts4.6.2 Other uses of the Simple Present4.7 SummaryChapter Five Theoretical and Pedagogical Implications5.1 Introduction5.2 Theoretical implications5.3 Pedagogical implications5.3.1 Implications for teaching reading5.3.1.1 Introduction to various approaches of reading teaching5.3.1.2 Implications for teaching reading5.3.2 Implications for teaching writing5.3.2.1 Introduction to various approaches of writing teaching5.3.2.2 Implications for teaching writing5.4 SummaryConclusionBibliographyAppendix
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标签:语篇论文; 衔接论文;