AcknowledgmentsAbstract摘要IntroductionChapter 1 Review of Literature.1.1 Studies on the Interpretive Approach1.2 Bible Translation History and Translation NormsChapter 2 The Interpretive Theory and Features of Sermon Language2.1 Sense, Language and Interpretation2.2 An Interpretive Approach to Interpretation2.2.1 The Cognitive Complements2.2.2 Deverbalization and Reformulation2.2.3 Dual Equivalence2.2.4 Rebalancing the Implicit and the Explicit2.3 Features of Sermon Language and Its InterpretationChapter 3 Comprehension of the Sermon from a Case Study3.1 Data Description3.2 Methods of Analysis3.3 Cognitive Complements to the Sermon Language3.3.1 Contextual Knowledge3.3.2 Biblical Knowledge3.3.3 World KnowledgeChapter 4 Reformulation of the Sermon from a Case Study4.1 Rebalancing the Explicit and the Implicit4.1.1 Addition of the Explicit4.1.2 Omission of the Explicit4.1.3 The Addition and Omission of Pronouns4.1.4 Specifying or Blurring the Explicit4.2 Deverbalization of the Sermon Language4.3 Reformulation of the Sermon Language4.3.1 Reformulation of the Colloquial Language4.3.2 Syntactical Changes in Reformulation4.3.3 Creating Metaphor in Reformulation4.3.4 Enhancing the Original Logic4.4 Some Implications from the StudyConclusionBibliographyAppendix: Samples of Data外交学院硕士研究生学位论文答辩委员会组成人员名单
标签:讲道会口译论文; 释译理论论文; 意义论文; 认知补充论文; 去除原语外壳论文;