

论文题目: 会话修正中的礼貌策略

论文类型: 硕士论文

论文专业: 英语语言文学

作者: 陈走明

导师: 谢应光

关键词: 会话修正,修正,礼貌策略,会话分析

文献来源: 重庆师范大学

发表年度: 2005

论文摘要: 会话修正是交际中的常见现象。所谓会话修正,一般是指在听、说以及理解过程中用来处理阻碍的一种机制。它通常包括阻碍~1(即由于错误、不恰当或其它原因以致被修正的话语成分)、修正的引发~2(即指出前面话语存在阻碍需要修正)、修正(即纠正错误的、不恰当的或其它的话语成分)和结果(即修正的成功或失败)四个部分。从类型上,它可以分为自我引发的自我修正、他人引发的自我修正、自我引发的他人修正和他人引发的他人修正。 会话修正理论在Schegloff以及其他语言学家的努力下取得了长足的进展。然而,大多数的以往的研究过于侧重会话修正的形式结构的研究。这种形式结构的研究或是从总体上泛泛地进行探讨,或是着眼于特定语境下会话修正的特征,却很少涉及社会因素和形式结构的关系,特别是社会因素如何对会话修正的形式结构产生影响。本文从礼貌角度考察会话修正的形式结构,认为礼貌因素在很大程度上会影响会话修正的形式和结构。 具体地说,本文通过把Brown和Levinson的“面子保全论”应用于解释会话修正中的一些形式结构现象,旨在揭示,在会话修正中会话伙伴为了照顾会话阻碍者~3的面子,通常会以与会话相关的社会变量为基础,使用一些恰当的礼貌策略。 在本文中,作者主要从两个方面来考察会话修正中的礼貌策略,即表现在引发和修正的定位中的礼貌策略和表现在引发和修正的技巧中的礼貌策略。在第一个方面的研究中,我们主要解释了“自我引发和自我修正优先”这一现象,发现这一现象并非完全是由会话本身的形式结构所决定的;会话阻碍者的“自我引发和自我修正优先”取决于会话伙伴对引发和修正的机会的放弃,而会话伙伴对引发和修正机会的放弃则跟他对会话阻碍者的面子照顾有关。在第二个方面的研究中,作者着重分析了各种直接性他人引发技巧在礼貌程度上的差异,并以此为基础,认为会话伙伴的礼貌策略很大程度上导致了Liebscher和Schegloff所发现的现象,即会话伙伴通常以非具体的引发技巧开始,如果有再次或者多次引发的必要,继而逐步使用更为具体的引发技巧;此外,作者还简要阐述了体现在一些间接性引发和修正技巧中的礼貌策略。 然而,研究表明,礼貌的引发和修正的位置以及礼貌的引发和修正的技巧并不能保证真实的会话修正中的礼貌效果;只有当它们以恰当性为前提才能实现所




Transcription Conventions

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Basic Concepts about Conversation Repair

1.2 The Objective of the Study

1.3 Methodology and Data

1.4 The Organization of the Thesis

Chapter Two A Review of Relevant Literature

2.1 Researches on Conversation Repair: Origin and Development

2.1.1 Schegloff's Contributions

2.1.2 Further Development by Other Linguists

2.1.3 Weak Points of Previous Studies

2.2 Face-saving Theory by Brown & Levinson

2.2.1 A General Introduction

2.2.2 Face, Positive Face and Negative Face

2.2.3 Face-threatening Acts and Three Politeness Strategies

2.3 Brown & Levinson's Model and Conversation Repair

Chapter Three Politeness Strategies in the Placement of Initiation and Repair

3.1 Politeness Strategies in Giving up Other-initiation and Other-repair

3.1.1 Preference Theory and Its Weak Points The Proposing of the Preference Theory The Weak Points of the Explanation by Schegloff

3.1.2 Self-initiation and Self-repair for Face Speaking as an Action and as a Performance The Positive Face in Self-initiation and Self-repair The Negative Face in Self-initiation and Self-repair

3.2 Politeness Strategies in the Positions of Other-initiation and Other-repair

3.2.1 Other-initiation and Other-repair

3.2.2 The Possible Positions of Other-initiation and Other-repair

3.2.3 Other-initiation and Other-repair Next to the Trouble Source

3.2.4 Other-initiation after the Next Turn

Chapter Four Politeness Strategies in the Techniques of Initiation and Repair

4.1 Politeness Strategies in the Techniques of Initiation

4.1.1 Direct Other-initiation Techniques Non-lexical Speech Perturbations Question Words, Partial Repeat and Candidate Understanding

4.1.2 A Tendency in the Use of Direct Other-initiation Techniques

4.1.3 Explanations on the Tendency from a Politeness Perspective

4.1.4 Indirect Other-initiation Techniques On-record Initiation with Redressive Action Off-record Initiation

4.2 Politeness Strategies in the Techniques of Repair

4.2.1 The Techniques of Repair

4.2.2 On-record Other-repair with Redressive Action

4.2.3 Off-record Other-repair

Chapter Five Appropriateness and Face-threatening Evaluation

5.1 Politeness Strategies and Appropriateness

5.1.1 Polite Linguistic Forms and Polite Effect in Real Conversation

5.1.2 The Importance of Appropriate Politeness Strategies

5.1.3 Face-threatening Evaluation: A Way to Appropriateness

5.2 The Social Variables in Face-threatening Evaluation

5.2.1 Social Distance

5.2.2 Relative Power

5.2.3 The Formality of Context

Chapter Six A Case Study

6.1 An Explanation of Material and Method

6.2 Politeness Strategies in the Placement of Initiation and Repair

6.3 Politeness Strategies in the Techniques of Initiation and Repair

6.4 The Role of Social Variables in Conversation Repair

Chapter Seven Conclusion

7.1 Major Findings

7.2 The Limitations of the Study

7.3 Implications for English Teaching and Cross-cultural Communication



发布时间: 2005-12-30


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