轻动词,如make a turn中的make和take a look中的take,它们对整体意义的贡献不如在make a table和take a sandwich中那么具体。词典学家很早就意识到要在词典中有效地呈现这些普通却生成能力极强的词不是一件易事。研究也表明中国英语学习者在正确使用轻动词方面存在着困难。本项研究的重点是英汉学习型词典中轻动词的优化处理模式。作者首先比较了中国的英语学习者与英语本族语人士在轻动词使用上的不同。经比较发现中国英语学习者倾向于超用或少用某些轻动词搭配。另外,中国英语学习者在使用轻动词时还存在以下问题:1)误用轻动词所接宾语的单复数;2)宾语前往往没有修饰定语或修饰定语不丰富;3)轻动词的时态不富于变化;4)对轻动词搭配的错误理解;5)使用轻动词时出现张冠李戴的现象。作者调查了五本英语学习型词典和两本英汉学习型词典,详细地研究了这几本词典是如何处理have,make和take这三个使用频率最高的轻动词,以及处理所存在的缺陷。发现的主要缺陷有以下几个方面:1)对have,make和take的处理原则不一致;2)轻动词位置不够醒目;3)未从读者生成需要出发提供足够的轻动词搭配;4)例句过少,未提供足够的语境以提高读者的生成能力。作者从提高中国英语学习者对轻动词的生成能力出发,尝试性地提出了英汉学习型词典中轻动词的优化处理模式:1)在宏观结构方面,英汉学习型词典应在前置页中对轻动词进行说明,在词典正文的适当位置插入专门介绍轻动词用法的研习专页,并建立参考体系将相关的轻动词联系起来;2)在微观结构方面,应突出显示轻动词,并在词条中加入错误警示。为了帮助学习者分辨这些轻动词,应建立相应的辨析栏目。作者还指出英汉学习型词典应提供丰富的搭配和例句来帮助中国英语学习者产出轻动词。
AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要ContentsList of AbbreviationsList of TablesList of FiguresChapter One Introduction1.1 Rationale of the Present Study1.1.1 Lexicographers' Awareness of Light Verbs1.1.2 English Learners' Difficulties of Using Light Verbs1.1.3 The Urgent Need of Studying Light Verbs in Dictionaries1.2 Focus of the Study1.3 Significance of the Study1.3.1 The Importance of Light Verbs1.3.2 Contributions of the Study1.4 Research Questions1.5 Methodology1.6 Structure of the ThesisChapter Two Relevant Study of Light Verbs and Collocations2.1 The Concept of Light Verbs2.2 The Concept of Collocation2.2.1 The Lexical Composition Approach2.2.2 The Semantic Approach2.2.3 The Structural Approach2.2.4 The Phrasealogical Approach2.3 Have, Make and Take in Collocation2.4 Previous Studies of Light Verbs2.4.1 The Computational Approach2.4.2 The Empirical Approach2.4.3 The Lexicographical Approach2.4.4 ImplicationsChapter Three Chinese EFL Learners' Performance of Light Verbs3.1 Introduction3.1.1 The Introduction of CLEC3.1.2 The Introduction of Sketch Engine3.1.3 Corpus Access Software - AntConc3.2 Chinese EFL Learners' Performance of Light Verbs3.2.1 Procedures3.2.2 Analyses and Results3.2.3 Major Difficulties3.2.4 ImplicationsChapter Four Optimizing the Presentation of Light Verbs in ECLDs4.1 Introduction4.2 Treatment of Have, Make and Take in ELDs4.2.1 Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary4.2.2 Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners4.2.3 LONG MAN Dictionary of Contemporary English4.2.4 MacMillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners4.2.5 Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of current English4.3 The Presentation of Have, Make and Take in ECLDs4.3.1 An English Dictionary of Learning & Communication4.3.2 New Approach English-Chinese Dictionary4.4 Comparison of Have, Make and Take in ELDs and ECLDs4.4.1 Statistics of Have, Make and Take4.4.2 Analyses and Results4.5 Survey of Have, Make and Take4.5.1 The Purpose of the Survey4.5.2 The Subjects' Performance of Have, Make and Take4.5.3 The Subjects' Lookup Behaviour of Have, Make and Take4.5.4 Implications4.6 A Tentative Modal for Optimizing Light Verbs in ECLDs4.6.1 The Macrostructure Level4.6.2 The Microstructure LevelChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Major Findings5.1.1 Chinese EFL Learners' Difficulties in Using Light Verbs5.1.2 Defects of the Presentation of Light Verbs5.1.3 A Tentative Modal for Optimizing Light Verbs in ECLDs5.2 Limitations of the Present Study and Suggestions for Further ResearchBibliographyAppendix AAppendix BAppendix CAppendix DAppendix E
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标签:轻动词论文; 搭配论文; 产出能力论文; 学习型词典论文;