AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter One INTRODUCTION1.1 Theoretical preliminaries1.1.1 Linguistic form and its pragmatic interpretation1.1.2 HPSG and its application to Chinese1.1.2.1 HPSG1.1.2.2 HPSG application to Chinese1.1.3 Expert System (ES) ES in Linguistics1. Fundamental belief1. Some implemented linguistic ESs1.1.3.2 ES in Computer Science1. Definition of ES1. A brief history of ES1. Limitations of ES1.2 Research design and its rationale1.2.1 Why HPSG1.2.2 Link between the linguistic and computational ESs1.2.3 Integrated language model1.3 Research MethodologyChapter Two RELATED WORK2.1 Unification and combination2.1.1 Unification of simple AVMs2.1.2 Unification of tagged AVMs2.1.3 Combinatory rules2.2 Semantic computability based on HowNet2.2.1 Introduction to HowNet2.2.1.1 Structure and relations in HowNet2.2.1.2 Limitations of HowNet2.2.2 Lexical semantic similarity computation (LSSC) A simple model2.2.2.2 Word similarity computing model2.2.2.3 A model for content wordsChapter Three EXPERT SYSTEM OF THE CHINESE REFLEXIVE ZIJI3.1 A brief diachronic survey of ziji3.2 A brief review of anaphoric studies3.3 Noun Phrase Accessibility (NPA)3.4 Pragmatic interpretations of ziji in discourse3.5 Discussions on some experts3.5.1 Formal types of ziji and its antecedent3.5.2 Syntactic positions of ziji and its antecedent3.5.3 Text Style3.5.4 Distance between ziji and its antecedent3.5.5 Potential experts3.6 Database construction3.7 Discussion and findings3.7.1 Distributions and their hints3.7.2 Correlative experts3.7.2.1 Correlation between the form and number of ziji’s antecedent3.7.2.2 Correlation between distance and text styles3.7.2.3 Correlation between syntactic positions of ziji and its antecedent3.7.3 The role of semantic computation in ziji’s pragmatic interpretation3.7.4 Votes assignment and tally computation3.7.4.1 Votes assignment3.7.4.2 Tally computation3.7.5 Hints from failure analyses3.8 Ziji’s ES in HPSG3.8.1 Ziji and binding theory in HPSG3.8.2 Studies on ziji in HPSG framework3.8.3 ES of ziji in HPSG Chapter Four EXPERT SYSTEM OF CHINESE QNPS4.1 Classifications of Qs4.1.1 Grammatical classifications of English Qs4.1.2 Classifications of Chinese Qs4.1.3 Formal Types of Chinese Qs4.2 Semantic Relations between Qs in English and Chinese4.2.1 Research Methodology4.2.2 Analysis4.2.2.1 From English Qs to Chinese Qs4.2.2.2 From Chinese Qs to English Qs4.2.3 Conclusions4.3 Some approaches to Q interpretations4.3.1 Q interpretations by standard logic4.3.2 Q interpretations by syntactic theories4.4 Expert System of Qs4.4.1 Pragmatic interpretations of QNPs in discourse4.4.2 A Functional Account of Q Scope in English: Expert System4.4.3 ES of Chinese quantified sentence4.4.4 Q experts4.4.4.1 Tense4.4.4.2 Aspect4.4.4.3 Voice4.4.4.4 Vocabulary4.4.4.5 Syntactic Structures4.4.4.6 Other influential factors4.5 Database construction4.5.1 General Principles4.5.2 Q database construction4.5.3 Overview of the database structure batch one4.6 Discussions and findings based on database batch one4.6.1 Merge and division of experts4.6.2 Rearrangement of existing experts4.6.3 Cancellations and additions of experts4.6.3.1 Cancellations of experts4.6.3.2 The additions of experts4.6.4 About the values of Q’s formal types4.6.5 About values of a QNP’s pragmatic interpretations4.6.6 About syntactic positions4.6.7 About input form4.6.8 More information to be collected4.6.9 Suggestions for order of operation in computing4.6.10 Overview of Q database batch two4.7 Discussions and findings based on database batch two4.7.1 Overall statistics4.7.2 Word segmentation and construction filtering4.7.3 Tally difference in dual-Q sentences4.7.4 Influence of tense and aspect experts4.7.5 Newly discovered experts4.7.5.1 Intensifier 是4.7.5.2 Text type4.7.6 Average tallies of Qs with each pragmatic interpretation4.7.7 Hints from failure analyses4.8 Q ES in HPSG framework4.8.1 Quantification in HPSG4.8.2 ES in HPSGChapter Five LINGUISTIC AND COMPUTATIONAL MODEL OF ES CONSTRUCTION5.1 Linguistic ES construction 5.2 Computational ES constructionChapter Six CONCLUDING REMARKS6.1 What we have achieved6.2 Limitations and suggestions for further researchReferencesAppendix 1 Hierarchical Structure in HPSGAppendix 2 Relations in HownetAppendix 3 [CODE] of Dictionaries Referred toAppendix 4 Generated data from Q database batch 2
标签:语用解释论文; 约束条件体系论文; 歧义消解论文; 中心词驱动的短语结构语法论文;