摘要Abstract1 Introduction2 Literature Review2.1 Learner Autonomy2.1.1 Definitions of Learner Autonomy2.1.2 Learner Autonomy in Second Language Acquisition2.1.3 Learner Autonomy of Non-English College Students in China2.2 Learner Training2.2.1 The Definition of Learner Training2.2.2 The Goal of Learner Training2.2.3 The Content of Learner Training2.2.4 Learner Training Model2.3 Summary3 Methodology3.1 Research Questions3.2 Research Methodology3.2.1 Subjects3.2.2 Instruments3.2.3 Data Collection3.2.4 Data Analysis3.3 Research Procedure3.4 Summary4 Results and Disscussions4.1 Quantitative Data4.1.1 The Result and Analysis of Pre-expe rimental Questionnaire4.1.2 The Result and Analysis of Post-experimental Questionnaire4.1.3 The Result and Analysis of the Questionnaires of the EC & CC Respectively4.1.4 The Result and Analysis of Achievement Test4.2 Qualitative Data4.3 Dissussion4.4 Summary5 Conclusion5.1 Major Research Findings5.2 Implications of the Research5.2.1 Implications for Students5.2.2 Implications for Teachers5.3 Limitations and Recommendations for Further ResearchBibliographyAppendixThe Published PaperAcknowledgement
标签:自主学习能力论文; 学习者训练论文; 非英语专业论文; 教师引导和学习者主导论文;