AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要IntroductionChapter 1 Study of English and Chinese Tourist Materials1.1 Significance of C-E Tourist Materials Translation1.2 Classifications of Tourist Materials1.3 Functions of Tourist Materials1.3.1 Informative Function1.3.2 Appellative Function1.4 Characteristics of English and Chinese Tourist Materials1.4.1 Stylistic Features of Chinese Tourist Materials1.4.2 Stylistic Features of English Tourist Materials1.5 Cultural Differences between China and West1.5.1 Aesthetic Differences1.5.2 Different Values1.5.3 Different Customs1.6 Problems Existing in Current C-E Translation of Tourist Materials1.6.1 Spelling and Omissive Mistakes1.6.2 Grammatical Mistakes1.6.3 Overuse of Chinese Pinyin1.6.4 Non-uniformity in Translated Names1.6.5 Rigid Translation1.6.6 Lack of Cross-cultural Awareness1.6.7 Chinese English MistakesChapter 2 Nida’s Theory of Functional Equivalence and Their Enlightenment to C-E Translation of Tourist Materials2.1 Introduction to Nida’s Theory2.2 Dynamic Equivalence and Functional Equivalence2.2.1 Formal Equivalence and Dynamic Equivalence2.2.2 Functional Equivalence2.3 Reader’s Response Theory2.4 Influence of Functional Equivalence to Chinese Translation Studies2.5 Enlightenment of Functional Equivalence Theory to C-E Translation of Tourist MaterialsChapter 3 Application of Nida’s Theory to C-E Translation of Tourist Materials and Translation Principles and Methods3.1 Application of Nida’s Theories3.2 Translation Principles3.2.1 Center on Transmitting Chinese Culture3.2.2 Center on Tourist-Orientation3.3 Proposed Translation Methods in C-E Translation of Tourist Materials3.3.1 Amplification3.3.2 Explanation3.3.3 Adaptation3.3.4 Deletion3.3.5 AnalogyConclusionBibliography发表的论文
标签:旅游资料论文; 功能对等理论论文; 旅游翻译论文; 翻译原则和方法论文;