Table of ContentsList of TablesList of Figures摘要AbstractList of AbbreviationsChapter One Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Need for the Study1.3 Purpose of the Study1.4 Structure of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Attention from the Perspective of Cognitive Psychology2.1.1 Definition of attention2.1.2 Categories of attention2.1.3 Functions of attention2.2 Selective Models2.2.1 Filter model2.2.2 Attenuator model2.2.3 Pertinence model2.3 Attention in Second Language Acquisition2.3.1 Role of attention in SLA2.3.2 Intentional vs.incidental vocabulary learning2.4 Factors Influencing Selective Attention2.5 Lexical Knowledge and Vocabulary Ability2.5.1 Framework of vocabuiary knowledge2.5.2 Measurement of depth of vocabulary knowledge2.6 Related Studies2.6.1 Studies on incidental and intentional vocabulary learning2.6.2 Studies on the depth of vocabulary knowledge2.7 Limitations of the Previous StudiesChapter Three Research Methodology3.1 Research Questions3.2 Subjects3.3 Instruments3.3.1 Questionnaire for Selective Attention in Vocabulary Learning(QSAVL) Development of QSAVL3.3.1.2 Structure of QSAVL3.3.2 Style Analysis Survey(SAS)3.3.3 English Learning Motivation Questionnaire(ELMQ)3.3.4 Vocabulary Knowledge Test(VKT)3.3.5 English Achievement Test(EAT)3.4 Data Collection3.5 Data AnalysisChapter Four Results and Discussion4.1 Results4.1.1 Selective attention in vocabulary learning4.1.1.1 Characteristics of the selective attention4.1.1.2 Reasons for the selective attention4.1.2 Relations between SVK scale,Vocabulary Knowledge Test(VKT) and English Achievement Test(EAT)4.1.3 Different attention in SVK scale between genders4.1.4 Relationship between SVK scale and SAS4.1.5 Correlations between SVK scale and ELMQ4.2 Discussion4.2.1 Selective attention to vocabulary knowledge4.2.2 Selective attention and performance4.2.3 Selective attention and gender4.2.4 Selective attention and learning style4.2.5 Selective attention and motivationChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Major Findings5.2 Implications of the Present Study5.3 Limitations of the Present Study5.4 Suggestions for Future StudyReferencesAppendix Ⅰ Interview Outline of Vocabulary Learning AttentionAppendix Ⅱ Questionnaire for Selective Attention in Vocabulary Learning(QSAVL)Appendix Ⅲ Style Analysis Survey(SAS)Appendix Ⅳ English Learning Motivation Questionnaire(ELMQ)Appendix Ⅴ Vocabulary Knowledge Test(VKT)Appendix Ⅵ English Achievement Test(EAT)Acknowledgement
标签:选择性注意力论文; 词汇深度知识论文; 成绩论文; 性别论文; 学习风格论文; 学习动机论文;