Acknowledgement摘要AbstractCHAPTER One IntroductionCHAPTER Two Literature Review2.1 EFL Writing Research2.1.1 Definitions of Writing2.1.2 The Research into the Teaching of EFL Writing2.1.3 The Exploration of the Writing Models2.2 Researches on Constructivist Learning Theory2.2.1 Definitions of Constructivism2.2.2 Constructivism as a Theory of Learning2.2.3 Constructivist EFL Writing2.3 Implications for the PaperCHAPTER Three Research Design3.1 Research Purpose and Research Questions3.2 Empirical Research Design3.2.1 Definition and Characteristics of Retrospective Accounting3.2.2 The Design3.2.2.1 Participants3.2.2.2 Expression-related Errors3.2.2.3 Data CollectionCHAPTER Four Findings and Discussion4.1 Quantitative Data4.2 Qualitative Data4.2.1 Retrospective Accounts in Chinese4.2.2 The Gap Between W1 and W2 in Pre-writing Planning4.2.2.1 Detection of the Gap4.2.2.2 Discussion on the Gap4.2.3 The Gap Between W1 and W2 in While-writing Planning4.2.3.1 Detection of the Gap4.2.3.2 Discussion on the Gap4.3 Conclusion4.3.1 Summary of the Findings of the Empirical Study4.3.2 Interaction Between W1 and W24.3.3 A Descriptive Model of L2 Composing ConstructionCHAPTER Five Conclusion5.1 Pedagogical Implications for Bridging the Gap5.2 Suggestions for EFL Learners to Bridge the Gap5.3 Limitations of This Study and Suggestions for Further Study5.4 SummaryBIBLIOGRAPHY
标签:二语写作论文; 差异论文; 写作过程论文; 知识建构论文; 写作建构模式论文;
跨越“所想”与“所写”的鸿沟 ——中国学生英语写作过程建构调查