摘要Abstract1 Introduction1.1 Introduction to Systemic-Functional Grammar1.1.1 A Brief Review of Systemic-Functional Grammar1.1.2 Interpersonal Meaning1.2 Application of Interpersonal Meaning to Translation Studies1.3 Moment in Peking and Its Chinese Versions1.4 Objectives and Data Analysis1.4.1 Objectives for Present Study1.4.2 Data and Data Analysis1.5 Thesis Organization2 Mood System and Its Analysis of Mulan's Speech in ST and TT2.1 Mood System: An Overview2.1.1 Speech Roles and Functions2.1.2 Mood Structure2.1.2.1 Mood Element and Mood Types2.1.2.2 Other Elements of Mood Structure2.1.3 Modal Adjunct2.2 Mood Types in Mulan's Speech in ST and TT2.2.1 Distribution of Four Mood Types in Mulan's Speech in ST2.2.2 Analysis of Mood Types in ST and TT2.2.2.1 Realization of Mulan's Social Status and Characteristics Through Mood Types2.2.2.2 Comparison between Two Chinese Versions: Realizations or Failures2.3 Summary3 Modality System and Its Analysis of Mulan's Speech in ST and TT3.1 Modality System: An Overview3.1.1 General Concept3.1.2 Modalization and Modulation3.2 Modal Operators in Mulan's Speech in ST and TT3.2.1 Distribution of Modal Operators in Mulan's Speech in ST3.2.2 Analysis of Modal Operators in Mulan's Speech in ST and TT3.2.2.1 Realization of Mulan's Social Status and Characteristics Through Modal Operators3.2.2.2 Comparison between Two Chinese Versions: Realizations or Failures3.3 Modal Adjuncts in Mulan's Speech in ST and TT3.3.1 Adjuncts of Mood in Mulan's Speech in ST and TT3.3.1.1 Distribution of Adjuncts of Mood in Mulan's Speech in ST3.3.1.2 Analysis of Adjuncts of Mood in Mulan's Speech in ST and TT3.3.2 Adjuncts of Modality in Mulan's Speech in ST and TT3.3.2.1 Distribution of Adjuncts of Modality in Mulan's Speech in ST3.3.2.2 Analysis of Adjuncts of Modality in Mulan's Speech in ST and TT3.4 Summary4 Modal Metaphor and Its Analysis of Mulan's Speech in ST and TT4.1 Modal Metaphors: An Overview4.1.1 Mood Metaphor4.1.2 Modality Metaphor4.2 Modality Metaphors in Mulan's Speech in ST and TT4.2.1 Distribution of Modality Metaphors in Mulan's Speech in ST4.2.2 Analysis of Modality Metaphors in Mulan's Speech in ST and TT4.3 Summary5 Conclusion5.1 Findings of the Present Study5.2 Limitations of the Present Study and Suggestions for Further StudyAcknowledgementsBibliographyPublications While Registered with the MA Program
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标签:人际意义论文; 语气论文; 情态论文; 京华烟云瞬息京华论文;
《京华烟云》:姚木兰话语翻译研究 ——以“人际功能”为理论模式