SYNOPSIS摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 The nature of definition1.2.The defining principles of MDMAL1.3 What is a monolingual learner’s dictionary1.4 Prior studies and the aim of this thesisChapter Two The two major defining styles of MDMA2.1 Phrasal definitions2.2 Strong points of phrasal definitions2.3 Sentence definitions2.4 Merits of sentence defining2.5 SummaryChapter Three Critical Views on MDMAL Defining Style3.1 Theoretical Preparation3.2 Defects of microstructure in MDMAL3.3 Other common defects of MDMAL3.4 Defects of sentence definitions3.5 Defects of macrostructure in MDMAL3.6 SummaryChapter Four Some approaches to refinement of MDMAL definiti4.1 A possible new style of definition4.2 Computer assistance in definition refinement4.3 Cognitive approach to refinement of definitions of MDMAL4.4 Prototype theory4.5 Metaphorical theory and its use in MDMAL definitions4.6 SummaryChapter Five Conclusi5.1 Summary of the present study5.2 Implications for further study and limitations of this thesisAppendiceRefencesAcknowledgements
标签:中高级学习词典论文; 释义方式论文; 优化论文;