摘要Abstract1 Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Research Questions1.3 Significance and Purpose of the Study1.4 Overview of the Thesis2 Literature Review2.1.Definition of Key Terms2.1.1 Definition of Silence2.1.2 Students’Silence in the Classroom2.2 Previous Studies on Silence in Communication2.2.1 Cultural Aspect of Silence2.2.2 Pragmatic Aspect of Silence2.3 Previous Studies on Students’Classroom Silence2.4 Summary3 Methodology3.1 Subjects3.2 Research Instruments3.2.1 Questionnaire3.2.2 Interviews3.3 Procedures of Data Collection4 Results and Discussions4.1 Results of the Questionnaire4.2 Result of Interviews4.2.1 Students’Responses4.2.2 Foreign Teachers’Responses4.2.3 Summary4.3 Discussions4.3.1 The Situation of Students’Silence in the Foreign Teacher’s Class4.3.2 Factors Causing Students’Silence in the Foreign Teacher’s Class5 Implications5.1 Implications for Students5.1.1 Improving English Proficiency and Self-confidence5.1.2 Understanding the Intercultural Difference5.2 Implications for Foreign Teachers5.2.1 Encouraging and Helping Students to Build up their Confidence5.2.2 Breaking the Restriction of Cultural Differences5.2.3 Adjusting Teacher’s Teaching Style5.3 Implications for the Administration Department6 Conclusions6.1 Major Findings6.2 Limitations of This Research6.3 Suggestions for Further ResearchReferencesAcknowledgementsAppendicesAppendix I QuestionnaireAppendix II Interview QuestionsAppendixIII Transcript of the Interviews
标签:外籍教师论文; 英语课堂论文; 学生沉默论文; 文化差异论文;