AcknowledgementsList of FiguresList of Tables摘要AbstractChapter One INTRODUCTIONChapter Two LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Related Researches on Learning Beliefs2.1.1 The definitions of learning beliefs2.1.2 The classifications of learning beliefs2.1.3 Learning beliefs and language proficiency2.1.4 The factors that affect learning beliefs2.2. Related Researches on Learning Strategies2.2.1 The definitions of learning strategies2.2.2 The classifications of learning beliefs2.2.3 The factors that affect the uses of learning strategies2.2.4 The strategies the good language learners employ2.2.5 Learning strategies and language proficiency2.3 Related Researches in China2.3.1 Studies on learning beliefs2.3.2 Studies on learning strategiesChapter Three THE STUDY3.1 The Subjects3.2 The Instrument3.2.1 The May Simulated English Test3.2.2 The questionnaire3.3 The Procedure3.3.1 Data collection3.3.2 Data analysisChapter Four THE FINDINGS AND DATA ANALYSES4.1 The Major Findings on MSET4.1.1 The presentation of the data4.1.2 The major findings on the differences4.1.2.1 The major findings on total scores4.1.2.2 The major findings on component scores4.2 The Major Findings on Learning Beliefs4.2.1 The presentation of the data4.2.2 The major findings on the differences4.2.2.1 On foreign language aptitude4.2.2.2 On perceived difficulty of language learning4.2.2.3 On nature of language learning4.2.2.4 On learning and communication strategy4.2.2.5 On motivation and expectation4.3 The Major Findings on Learning Strategies4.3.1 The presentation of the data4.3.2 The major findings on the differences4.3.2.1 On memory strategies4.3.2.2 On cognitive strategies4.3.2.3 On compensation strategies4.3.2.4 On meta-cognitive strategies4.3.2.5 On affective strategies4.3.2.6 On social strategies4.4 The Major Findings on Correlations between Learning Beliefs and MSET4.4.1 The presentation of the data4.4.2 the major findings on the correlations4.4.2.1 On listening4.4.2.2 On structure and grammar4.4.2.3 On cloze4.4.2.4 On reading comprehension4.4.2.5 On writing4.4.2.6 On total scores4.5 The Major Findings on Correlations between Learning Strategies and MSET4.5.1 The presentation of the data4.5.2 The major findings on the correlations4.5.2.1 On listening4.5.2.2 On structure and grammar4.5.2.3 On cloze4.5.2.4 On reading comprehension4.5.2.5 On writing4.5.2.6 On total scoresChapter Five CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS5.1 Conclusions of Present Study5.1.1 On English proficiency5.1.2 On the employment of learning beliefs5.1.3 On the employment of learning strategies5.1.4 On correlations between learning beliefs and MSET5.1.5 On correlations between learning strategies and MSET5.2 Pedagogical Implications of Present Study5.2.1 The pedagogical implications in learning beliefs5.2.2 The pedagogical implications in learning strategies5.3 Limitations and RecommendationsReferencesAppendix I 问卷调查表Appendix II Questionnaire
标签:重点中学论文; 非重点中学论文; 学习观念论文; 学习策略论文; 差异性论文; 相关性论文;