摘要AbstractTable of Contents1.Introduction1.1 Rationale1.2 Purpose of this study1.3 Layout of this thesis2.Literature Review2.1 Definition of causative construction2.1.1 The verb-focused study2.1.2 The event-focused study2.2 Overview of related studies2.3 Lexical classification of causative construction2.3.1 Degree of synthesis of languages2.3.2 Lexical causatives2.3.3 Morphological causatives2.3.4 Analytic causatives2.3.5 Other forms of causative construction2.4 Iconicity in causative construction2.4.1 Contact in causation2.4.2 The iconicity pyramid2.5 Direct and indirect causation2.5.1 The spatio-temporal theory2.5.2 The non-intervening-cause theory2.6 The causative continuum2.6.1 Scale of compactness2.6.2 Sociative causation3.The Prototype of Causative Construction3.1 Prototype theory3.2 Prototypical causative construction3.2.1 Prototype effects of causative construction3.2.2 The prototype of causative construction4.Spatial Metaphor of Event and Causative Construction4.1 Metaphor and the event-as-space metaphor4.1.1 The conceptual theory of metaphor4.1.2 Spatial metaphor4.2 The spatial metaphor of causative construction4.2.1 Frames and event-frames4.2.2 Causal-chain event-frame and causal chain windowing4.3 Event-focused definition of causative construction4.4 A spatial-metaphor model of causative construction5.ConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgment攻读学位期间发表的学术论文目录
标签:致使结构论文; 致使连续体论文; 原型论文; 空间隐喻论文;