In order to satisfy the requirement of Maritime Organization and ship owner, IACS established the common Structural Rules for Oil Tanker (CSR), which came into effect at 1st April 2006.The CSR is based on the concept of target ship; it has contained the experience and latest research results of members of IACS.The yielding and buckling, which are usually defined two main failure modes for ship structure, are especially defined in CSR. This paper mainly researches the assessment of yielding strength by FEM and advanced buckling analysis according to the CSR. The main contents are appended below.1)Introduce the technology of FEM in CSR, including modeling, loading, definition of Load cases and the adjustment of shear force and bending moment. Research the theoretical background of FEM according to the CSR by use of basic mechanics principles and equal design wave approach (EDW).2) The midship cargo tank FE model is established by means of ANSYS software.3)Research on the advanced buckling analysis in CSR; discuss the main impactions and theoretical background of the advanced buckling analysis. Give a brief review of the theoretical background, design principles and purpose of PULS,which is procedure recommended by IACS to assess the buckling strength.4) Research on the buckling assessment method in software of PULS, including a simplified method for elastic large angle deflection analysis of plates and stiffened panels due to local buckling. 5) The yielding strength,buckling strength assessment was done according to the JTP Rules.According to the conclusion of results, the different impactions of Load cases are suggested.
AbstractAcknowledgementTable of ContentsCHAPTER1 INTRODUCTION1.1 Introduction to JTP Rules1.2 Aim of Rules1.3 Brief Description of the Work/AnalysisCHAPTER2 CARGO TANK STRUCTURAL STRENGTH ANALYSIS2.1 Structural Modeling2.2 Reduced Thickness Approach2.3 Meshing2.4 Boundary Conditions2.5 Boundary Constraints at the Model Ends2.6 Modeling and Boundary Conditions ApplicationCHAPTER3 LOADS3.1 Load Cases3.2 Combination of Loads3.3 Static Load Components3.3.1 Static Hull Girder Loads3.3.2 Local Static Loads3.4 Dynamic Load Components3.4.1 Vertical Wave Bending Moment3.4.2 Horizontal Wave Bending Moment3.4.3 Vertical wave shear force3.5 Dynamic Local Loads3.5.1 Dynamic Wave Pressure3.5.2 Green Sea Loads3.5.3 Dynamic Tank Pressure3.5.4 Dynamic Deck Pressure from Distributive Loading3.5.5 Dynamic Loads from Heavy Units3.6 Loads Application on ModelCHAPTER4 APPLICATION OF LOADS4.1 Heading Correction Factor and Dynamic Load Factor4.2 Vertical Wave Bending Moment for Considered Case4.3 Horizontal Wave Bending Moment for Considered Case4.4 Vertical wave Shear Force for a Considered Case4.5 Dynamic Wave Pressure Distribution4.6 Green Sea Load for Dynamic Load Case4.7 Simultaneously Acting Green Sea Load4.8 Procedure to adjust Hull Girder Shear ForceCHAPTER5 BUCKLING ASSESSMENT5.1 PULS (PANELS ULTIMATE LIMITING STRENGTH)5.2 Element U3; Unstiffened Plate5.3 Element S3; Uni-axially Stiffened Plate5.4 Element T1;Stiffened Plate with Non-Regular Geometry5.5 Approach5.6 External Prescribed Loads5.7 S3;Stiffened Panel Element5.8 Local Eigenvalue; LEB5.9 Lateral Pressure5.10 Material Law and Kinematics Relationship5.11 Buckling Strength of Stiffened Panels5.12 Definition of Global Stiffness Coefficient5.13 Global Buckling ModelCHAPTER6 CASE STUDIES AND RESULT VALIDATION6.1 General6.2 Aframax6.3 Reduced Thickness Approach6.4 Element Consideration for Analysis6.5 Yielding Strength of Elements in comparison to JTP6.6 Results, Discussion and Analysis6.7 Buckling Assessment of Elements in comparison to JTP6.8 Local Fine Mesh Structural Strength Analysis6.9 Most Critically Stressed Areas6.10 Comparison between JTP Rule Formula and Direct Calculation6.11 Comparison between JTP and CCSCHAPTER7 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS7.1 Conclusion7.2 RecommendationsAPPENDIX A FIGURE TO FIND THE REDUCED THICKNESS OF STRUCTURAL MEMBERSAPPENDIX B FORMULATION FOR STRESS FUNCTIONSAPPENDIX C FORMULATION FOR BUCKLING STRENGTH ASSESSMENTReferences
Research on Direct Calculation of Yielding and Buckling Strength Based on JTP Rules for Oil Tankers