摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Delay diferential equations1.1.1 Classification of DDEs1.1.2 Application of DDEs1.1.3 Existing methods for DDEs1.2 Laplace decomposition algorithm1.2.1 The background of Laplace decomposition algorithm1.2.2 Basic idea of Laplace decomposition algorithm1.3 Diferential transform method1.3.1 One-dimensional Diferential Transform1.3.2 The Multi-dimensional Diferential Transform1.4 Objective of the researchChapter 2 Pantograph diferential equations2.1 Introduction2.2 Modified Laplace decomposition algorithm2.3 Equivalence of MLDA and VIM for a class of nonlinear diferential equation2.4 Extended Diferential transform method2.5 Experimental Evaluations2.6 Conclusion附图表Chapter 3 Pantograph integro-diferential equation3.1 Introduction3.2 An adaptation of Laplace decomposition algorithm3.3 Extended Diferential transform method3.4 Numerical illustrations3.5 Conclusion附图表Chapter 4 Neutral pantograph diferential equations4.1 Introduction4.2 An adaptation of Laplace decomposition algorithm4.3 Extended Diferential transform method4.4 Numerical examples4.5 Conclusion附表Chapter 5 Partial pantograph diferential equations5.1 Introduction5.2 Modified Laplace decomposition algorithm5.3 Equivalence of MLDA and VIM for a class of nonlinear PDE5.4 Two-dimensional DTM5.5 Two numerical examples5.6 Conclusion附表结论ConclusionReferencesAppendix A: Variational Iteration MethodList of PublicationsAcknowledgementResume
标签:分解法论文; 微分变换法论文; 比例方程论文;