AcknowledgementsABSTRACT摘要IntroductionChapter One Literature ReviewChapter Two An Introduction to Advertising2.1 Dimensions of Advertising2.1.1 The Definition of Advertising2.1.2 The Economic Effects of Advertising2.2 Objectives of Advertising2.3 Functions of Advertising2.3.1 The Marketing Function2.3.2 The Educational Function2.3.3 The Communicative Function2.3.4 The Economic Function2.3.5 The Societal FunctionChapter Three Culture and Language and Cross-Cultural Transmission in Advertising Translation3.1 Culture3.2 Language and Culture3.3 Cross-Cultural Transfer In Advertising TranslationChapter Four A General Introduction of Functional Equivalence4.1 An Overview of Equivalent Effect in Translation4.2 Possibility of Equivalent Effect4.3 Requirements of Equivalent Effect4.4 Relativity of Equivalent EffectChapter Five Translation Failure in Commodity Advertising and How to do Well in the Practice of Advertising Translation5.1 Failures in Advertising Translation5.2 Difficulties of the Translation of Chinese Advertisement5.3 Advertising Strategy5.4 SummaryChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Creating Ads for International Markets6.2 Recommendations for Translators6.3 SummaryBibliography
标签:广告翻译论文; 文化差异论文; 等效翻译论文;