ABSTRACT摘要Chapter One IntroductionChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Brain Structure and Function2.1.1 Outside Parts of the Brain2.1.2 Inside Parts of the Brain2.1.3 Brain Cells2.2 Brain Imaging Research2.3 Left and Right Hemisphere Theory2.3.1 Left hemisphere functioning2.3.2 Right hemisphere functioning2.3.3 Left- and Right-Brain Characteristics2.3.4 Whole Brain Functioning2.3.5 Teaching to the Whole Brain: General Guidelines2.3.6 Strategies for Teaching to the Whole Brain2.4 Brain-based Learning and Teaching Theory2.5 Body Movement and Brain2.5.1 A New Role for the Cerebellum2.5.2 Benefits of Body Movement in Language Teaching Class2.6 The Educational Benefits of Listening to Music2.7 Emotion, Brain and Learning2.7.1 Definitions of Emotion2.7.2 Origin of Emotions2.7.3 Emotions in language learning2.8 Applications of Brain-based Teaching Strategies in Classroom Instruction at Home and AbroadChapter Three Research Design3.1 Introduction3.2 Research Design for the Quantitative Research3.2.1 Subjects3.2.2 Instruments3.2.3 Administering the Questionnaire3.2.4 Data Analysis3.2.5 Implementation of The Whole Brain Teaching Strategy-based Instruction in EFL Classroom3.3 Research Design for the Qualitative Research3.3.1 Purposes3.3.2 Subjects of Qualitative Research3.3.3 Data Collection: Class Observation, Interview and Journal3.4 Cross Study of Quantitative and Qualitative Research3.5 SummaryChapter Four Results and Discussion4.1 The Choice of Experimental Group and Control Group4.2 Testing Structural Validity and Reliability of Constructed Questionnaires4.2.1 Item Analysis for the Constructed Motivation Survey Questionnaire4.2.2 Item Analysis for the Constructed Questionnaire of Whole Brain Teaching Strategies Used in EFL Class4.2.3 Results of Questionnaire Validity and Reliability4.3 The Influence of WBTSI in EFL Class on Learners’Hemispheric Preferences4.3.1 Comparison of Hemispheric Preferences Between Pretest and Posttest in the Experimental Group4.3.2 Comparison of Hemispheric Preferences Between Pretest and Posttest in the Control Group4.4 The Influence of WBTSI in EFL Class on Learners’Emotion4.4.1 Comparison of CSELMS in Pretest Between Two Groups4.4.2 Comparison of CSELMS in the Control Group Between Pretest and Posttest..4.4.3 Comparison of CSELMS in the Experimental Group Between Pretest and Posttest4.4.4 Comparison of CSELMS in Posttest Between Two Groups4.5 The Influence of WBTSI in EFL Class on Learners’Learning Behaviors4.5.1 Comparison of Learners’Learning Behaviors in the Experimental Group Between Pretest and Posttest4.5.2 Comparison of Learners’Learning Behaviors in the Control Group Between Pretest and Posttest4.6 Relationship Between Whole Brain Teaching Strategies and Student English Learning Motivational State4.6.1 Findings about Whole Brain Teaching Strategies4.6.2 Relationship Between Whole Brain Teaching Strategies Use and Student English Learning Motivational State4.7 Findings on Evaluations from the Experimental Group on the Whole Brain Teaching Strategies4.8 Findings from Interview with the Cases and Their Journals4.8.1 Findings on Cases’Awareness of the Whole Brain Teaching and Learning4.8.2 Findings on Cases’Changes in English Learning Motivation4.8.3 Findings on Cases’Changes in Learning Behaviors4.9 Findings from the Class Observation4.9.1 Attention4.9.2 Participation4.9.3 VolunteeringChapter Five Conclusion and Suggestions5.1 Summary of the Study5.2 Pedagogical Implications5.3 Limitations of the Study5.4 Suggestions for Future StudyBibliographyAPPENDIXAppendix AAppendix BAppendix CAppendix DAppendix EAppendix FAppendix GAppendix HACKNOWLEDGEMENTSPUBLISHED PAPERS
标签:认知神经科学论文; 全脑教学策略论文; 大脑半球优势论文; 英语学习情感论文; 学习行为论文; 非英语专业大学生论文;