ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSABSTRACT摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Origin of the study1.2 Aims and significance of the study1.3 Structure of the thesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Teacher professional development2.2 Paradigm shift:from teaching to teacher2.2.1 Research on English teaching2.2.2 Research on English teacher2.3 The significance of English teacher professional development2.4 The importance of senior middle school English teacher professional development2.5 The context of New Curriculum Reform2.5.1 The requirement of the New Curriculum Reform2.5.2 Teachers' challenges when implementing New Curriculum ReformChapter 3 Research Methodology3.1 Background3.2 Participants3.3 Research methods3.3.1 Research questions3.3.2 Methods of data collection3.3.3 Methods of data presentation3.4 Research procedure3.5 The use of the singular first person in the thesisChapter 4 Data Presentation4.1 A case of Lin's life history4.2 Data presentation:interview4.2.1 How to be a good English teacher in senior middle school?4.2.2 Pre-service training4.2.4 In-service training and further study4.2.5 Demonstration class4.2.6 Seminar (Jiaoyanhui)4.2.7 Teachers as researchers4.2.8 SummaryChapter 5 Analysis and Discussion5.1 The internal factors5.1.1 Understanding of themselves or their identity5.1.2 Understanding of the students5.1.3 Understanding of peer learning and teaching5.1.4 Understanding of knowledge5.1.5 Understanding of the New Curriculum Reform5.2 The external factors5.2.1 Stress from examinations5.2.2 Stress from teaching5.2.3 Stress from appointment system5.3 Summary5.3.1 The principal contradiction5.3.2 How to deal with this principle contradiction?Chapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Major findings6.2 Suggested solutions6.3 LimitationsREFERNCESAppendicesAppendix 1:Transcribed record of telephone interview with LinAppendix 2:Group interview/discussion on June 19,2010Appendix 3:Group interview/discussion on July 3,2010Appendix 4:Interview on July 12,2010Appendix 5:Transcribed interview Jin on phone攻读学位期发表的学术论文浙江师范大学学位论文诚信承诺书
标签:新课程改革论文; 教师专业发展论文; 困惑论文;