Abstract摘要Introduction0.1 Background of the Research0.2 Significance of the Research0.3 Structure of the ThesisChapter 1 Cooperative Learning1.1 Definition of Cooperative Learning1.2 Theoretical Foundation of Cooperative Learning1.2.1 Zone of Proximal Development1.2.2 Group Dynamics1.2.3 Need Theory1.3 Elements of Cooperative Learning1.4 Methods of Cooperative Learning1.5 Relevant Studies at Home and Abroad1.6 SummaryChapter 2 Feasibility2.1 Foreign Language Learning and Cooperative Learning2.2 High School English Teaching and Learning and Cooperative Learning2.3 English Reading and Cooperative Learning2.4 Students with Learning Difficulty and Cooperative Learning2.5 SummaryChapter 3 An Empirical Study3.1 Hypothesis3.2 Subjects3.3 Instruments3.3.1 Motivation Questionnaire3.3.2 English Examination3.3.3 Interview of Students3.4 Controlling Extraneous Variables3.5 Teaching Procedures3.5.1 Teaching Procedures for Control Class3.5.1.1 Pre-Reading3.5.1.2 While-Reading3.5.1.3 Post-Reading3.5.2 Teaching Procedures for Experimental Class3.5.2.1 Teambuilding3.5.2.2 Role Assignment3.5.2.3 Achievement Assessment3.5.2.4 Pre-Reading3.5.2.5 While-Reading3.5.2.6 Post-Reading3.6 Data CollectionChapter 4 Data Analysis and Discussion4.1 Data Analysis and Discussion of the Motivation Questionnaire4.2 Data Analysis and Discussion of the English Examinations4.3 Data Analysis and Discussion of the Interview of Students4.4 SummaryChapter 5 Implications and Limitations5.1 Implications5.2 LimitationsConclusionBibliographyAppendix ⅠAppendix ⅡAppendix ⅢAppendix ⅣAcknowledgements
标签:合作学习论文; 学困生论文; 进步论文; 英语阅读课论文; 高中论文;