摘要AbstractIntroduction1.1 Main Views of Western Research on Metaphor1.1.1 Substitution View1.1.2 Comparison View1.1.3 Interaction View1.1.4 Conceptual Metaphor Theory: Mapping Theory1.1.5 Conceptual Blending Theory (Brief introduction)1.2 Domestic Research on MetaphorChapter Two Conceptual Blending Theory2.1 Nature of Conceptual Blending Theory2.2 Theoretical Foundations of Conceptual Blending Theory2.2.1 Mental space2.2.2 Conceptual Blending2.3 The Working Mechanism of Conceptual Blending TheoryChapter Three Study on Cognitive Model of Metaphor3.1 Cognitive Operation in Constructing and Interpreting Metaphor3.1.1 The Addressers’Cognitive Operation in Constructing Metaphor3.1.2 The Addressees’Cognitive Operation in Interpreting Metaphor3.2 Factors in Influencing Meaning Construction of Metaphors3.2.1 Context3.2.2 Cultural Differences3.2.3 Individual Cognitive Abilities3.3 The Revised Cognitive Model Based on Conceptual Blending Theory3.3.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Conceptual Blending Theory3.3.2 The Revised Model3.3.3 The working mechanism of the Revised ModelChapter Four The Application of Conceptual Blending Theory and Revised Model in English Teaching4.1 The Application of CBT in English Vocabulary Teaching4.1.1 Teaching Polysemy by Applying Metaphor4.1.2 Teaching Culture-specific Idiom by Applying Metaphor4.2 The Application of CBT in English Text Teaching4.3 More Suggestion to English TeachingChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Main Findings of the Study5.2 Limitations of the Present Study and Recommendations for Further ResearchReferences攻读硕士学位期间所发表的学术论文Acknowledgements
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