Abstract摘要IntroductionChapter 1 An Overview of Public Signs1.1 Definition of Public Signs1.1.1 Definition of Sign in English1.1.2 Definition of Public Signs in Chinese1.2 Classifications of Public Signs1.2.1 Classification from the Perspective of Function1.2.1.1 Directing1.2.1.2 Prompting1.2.1.3 Restricting1.2.1.4 Compelling1.2.2 Classification from the Perspective of Information State1.2.2.1 Static Meanings of Public Signs1.2.2.2 Dynamic Meanings of Public Signs1.2.3 Classifications from the Perspective of Social Application1.2.3.1 Security1.2.3.2 Traffic1.2.3.3 Tourism and Public Facilities1.2.3.4 Names of Institutions1.2.3.5 Notification1.3 Features of Public Signs1.3.1 Conciseness1.3.2 Directness1.3.3 Suitable Mood1.3.3.1 Directing Mood1.3.3.2 Prompting Mood1.3.3.3 Restricting Mood1.3.3.4 Compelling Mood1.3.4 Letters Combined with Pictures1.3.5 Capitalization of English Pubic SignsChapter 2 Common Problems in the Chinese-English Translation of Public Signs2.1 Errors in the Linguistic Aspect2.1.1 Spelling Mistakes2.1.1.1 Wrong spellings2.1.1.2 Misspelling of Capital Letters2.1.2 Grammatical Mistakes2.1.3 Lexical Errors2.1.3.1 Pseudo-equivalents2.1.3.2 Lexical Redundancy2.2 Errors in the Cultural Aspect2.2.1 Chinglish2.2.2 Harsh Mood2.2.3 Misunderstanding and Misusing Words with Different Cultural ConnotationsChapter 3 Semantic and Communicative Translation Theory3.1 An Overview of Semantic and Communicative Translation Theory3.1.1 Background of Communicative Translation and Semantic Translation3.1.2 The Definitions of Communicative Translation and Semantic Translation3.1.3 Communicative Translation and Semantic Translation Vs. Other Translation Methods3.1.4 Comparison Between Communicative Translation and Semantic Translation3.1.4.1 Differences Between Communicative Translation and Semantic Translation3.1.4.2 Similarities Between Communicative Translation and Semantic Translation3.1.5 Development of Communicative Translation and Semantic Translation3.1.6 Communicative Translation & Semantic Translation and Text Typology3.1.6.1 Text Typology and Translation Methods3.1.6.2 Development of Text Typology3.1.6.3 Communicative Translation & Semantic Translation and Text Typology3.1.6.4 Using Communicative Translation and Semantic Translation to Handle Text-type Hybridization3.2 The Application of Communicative and Semantic Translation Theory to the Chinese-English Translation of Public Signs3.2.1 The Text Type of Public Signs—Vocative Text3.2.2 The Guidance to the Chinese-English Translation of Public Signs—Communicative TranslationChapter 4 The Principles of Chinese-English Translation of Public Signs4.1 Conciseness4.1.1 Reasons for the Establishment of Conciseness Principle4.1.2 Necessity and Feasibility of Conciseness Principle4.1.2.1 Translating Billboards4.1.2.2 Translating Slogans4.1.2.3 Translating Directing Boards4.1.2.4 Translating Tourist Briefings4.2 Consistency4.2.1 Reasons for the Establishment of Consistency Principle4.2.2 Necessity and Feasibility of Consistency Principle4.2.2.1 Consistent with Idiomatic Expressions in English-Speaking Countries4.2.2.2 Consistent with the Fixed Translated Names or Terms4. Translating the Names Including Historic Significance4. Translating the Names of Hotels4. Translating the Names of Overseas Companies in China4. Translating the Names of Roads and Streets4.2.2.3 Consistent with the Official Websites, Dictionaries and Newspapers4.3 Comprehensibility4.3.1 Reasons for the Establishment of Comprehensibility Principle4.3.2 Necessity and Feasibility of Comprehensibility Principle4.3.2.1 Translating Without Real Understanding4.3.2.2 Translating Without a Knowledge of China‘s National Conditions4.3.2.3 Translating Without an Awareness of Semantic Differences4.3.2.4 Translation Failing to Address Pragmatic Meaning4.3.2.5 Translation Too Exaggerating to Be AcceptableConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements
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标签:公示语论文; 汉英翻译论文; 语义翻译和交际翻译论文; 翻译原则论文;