Abstract摘要AcknowledgementsList of Figures & TablesChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Introduction1.1.1 Abstracts1.1.2 English abstracts of Theoretical Linguistics Research Articles (TLRA)1.2 Rationale for the present study1.2.1 The motivation of the present study1.2.2 Reasons for adopting a systemic-functional approach1.3 Research questions1.4 Data Collection and the approach to data analysis1.5 Organizations of the present thesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Introduction2.2 Studies on the linguistic features of abstracts2.3 Studies on abstracts from the perspectives of Systemic-functional Linguistics2.4 Studies on English abstracts of linguistics research articles or academic papers2.5 SummaryChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 Introduction3.2 The systemic-functional grammar3.3 The theoretical framework of the present study3.3.1 Three metafunctions3.3.1.1 The ideational metafunction3.3.1.2 The interpersonal metafunction3.3.1.3 The textual metafunction3.3.2 Register3.4 SummaryChapter 4 The Realization of the Three Metafunctions of the Data4.1 Introduction4.2 The realization of the three metafunctions of sample abstract A4.2.1 The realization of the ideational metafunction of sample abstract A4.2.1.1 The transitivity4.2.1.2 Voice4.2.2 The realization of the interpersonal metafunction of sample abstract A4.2.2.1 Mood4.2.2.2 Modality4.2.3 The realization of the textual metafunction of sample abstract A4.2.3.1 Theme4.2.3.2 Cohesion4.3 The realization of the three metafunctions of sample abstract B4.3.1 The realization of the ideational metafunction of sample abstract B4.3.1.1 The transitivity4.3.1.2 Voice4.3.2 The realization of the interpersonal metafunction of sample abstract B4.3.2.1 Mood4.3.2.2 Modality4.3.3 The realization of the textual metafunction of sample abstract B4.3.3.1 Theme4.3.3.2 Cohesion4.4 The comparison between sample abstract A and sample abstract B4.4.1 The similarities4.4.2 The differences4.4.3 Summary4.5 The realization of the three metafunctions of all the data4.5.1 The realization of the ideational metafunction of all the data4.5.1.1 The transitivity4.5.1.2 Voice4.5.2 The realization of the interpersonal metafunction of all the data4.5.2.1 Mood4.5.2.2 Modality4.5.3 The realization of the textual metafunction of all the data4.5.3.1 Theme4.5.3.2 Cohesion4.6 The common linguistic features of the dataChapter 5 Discussion and Explanation Through the Register Theory5.1 Introduction5.2 Register5.3 The register of English abstracts of TLRA5.3.1 The field of English abstracts of TLRA5.3.2 The tenor of English abstracts of TLRA5.3.3 The mode of English abstracts of TLRA5.4 The register of English abstracts of TLRA and their three metafunnctions5.4.1 The field of English abstracts of TLRA and their ideational metafunction5.4.2 The tenor of English abstracts of TLRA and their interpersonal metafunction5.4.3 The mode of English abstracts of TLRA and their textual metafunction5.5 SummaryChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 The findings of the present study6.2 The limitations of the present studyAppendixBibliography详细摘要
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标签:理论语言学论文英文摘要论文; 语言特征论文; 三大元功能论文; 语域论文; 客观性论文;