Abstract中文摘要List of Figures and TablesList of AbbreviationsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 The Significance of the Research1.2 The Purpose of the Research1.3 Key Questions of the Research1.4 The Structure of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Introduction2.2 What Is Motivation?2.3 Main Challenges of Motivation Research2.3.1 The Challenge of Consciousness and Unconsciousness2.3.2 The Challenge of Cognition and Affect2.3.3 The Challenge of Reduction and Comprehensiveness2.3.4 The Challenge of “Parallel Multiplicity”2.3.5 The Challenge of Context2.3.6 The Challenge of Time2.4 The Classification of Motivation2.4.1 Gardner’s Integrative vs. Instrumental Motivation2.4.2 Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation2.5 Theories of Motivation in Psychology2.5.1 Expectancy-value Theory2.5.1.1 Expectancy of Success2.5.1.2 Value2.5.2 Goal-setting Theory2.6 A Sociocultural View of Motivation and Reading2.7 Chinese Scholar’s Studies of MotivationChapter 3 A Theoretical Framework of the Study3.1 The Definition of Reading3.2 The Importance of Reading3.3 Motivation to Read in First Language Reading3.4 Reading and Motivation3.5 Reading and Attitude3.6 The Role of Context and Sociocultural Factors in ReadingChapter 4 Research Methodology4.1 The Research Hypothesis4.2 Objectives4.3 Instruments4.4 Subjects4.5 ProceduresChapter 5 Data Analysis5.1 Introduction5.2 Data Collection and Analysis5.3 The Estimated Marginal Means of MotivationChapter 6 Discussion6.1 Approaches to Train Students’Motivation in Reading6.1.1 Create a Harmonious and Natural Teaching Environment6.1.1.1 Improve the Comprehensive Qualities of Teachers6.1.1.2 Make Efforts to Create a Natural Learning Environment6.1.1.3 Cultivate the Proper Degree Sense of Anxiety6.1.2 Stimulate Students’Interest in LEFL6.1.2.1 Convert Classroom Education into Entertainment6.1.2.2 Strengthen Cultural Instruction in Class6.2 Help Students to Treat Prior English Proficiency6.3 Set up Proper GoalsChapter 7 Conclusions7.1 Major Findings and Conclusions7.2 Pedagogical Implications7.3 Limitations for the Study and Suggestions for Further ResearchReferencesAppendicesAcknowledgements
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