中文摘要AbstractIntroductionChapter 1 Literature Review of LA1.1 Background of LA Development1.2 What is Learner Autonomy1.2.1 Definitions of Learner Autonomy1.2.2 The Characteristics of Autonomous Learners1.3 Theoretical Background of Learner Autonomy1.3.1 Cognitive Learning Theory1.3.2 Constructive Learning Theory1.3.3 Humanistic Learning Theory1.4 Learner Autonomy in Different Cultures1.4.1 Doubts about the Cultural Appropriateness of Leaner Autonomy1.4.2 Studies Supporting Learner Autonomy in Eastern Cultures1.4.3 the View of the Present StudyChapter 2 Necessity of developing LA and Factors Influencing LA in China2.1 The Current Situation of English Teaching and Learning in Senior High School2.2 The Necessity of Developing LA2.2.1 The Requirements of English Curriculum Standard for Senior Middle School2.2.2 The Requirements of Chinese Quality-Oriented Education2.2.3 The Needs in the Learners Own Right2.3 Factors Influencing Learn Autonomy in Chinese EFL Contexts2.3.1 Learner’s Motivation2.3.2 Learner’s Learning Strategies2.3.3 Learners’Learning EnvironmentChapter 3 A Case Study of Learner Autonomy3.1 Research Purpose and Research Questions3.2 Research Design3.2.1 Subjects3.2.2 Questionnaire3.2.3 Interview3.3 Results and Discussion3.3.1 Students’ Perceptions of Their Teacher’s Responsibilities or Role3.3.2 Students’Perceptions of Their Own Responsibilities3.3.3 Students’Views of Their Motivation3.3.4 Students’Application of Learning Strategies3.4 SummaryChapter 4 Suggestions on Fostering LA in Senior High School4.1 Raising Learners’Awareness of LA4.2 Teacher’s New Roles4.3 Group-work-based Instruction4.4 Strategy-based Instruction4.5 Encouraging Self-evaluation and Peer EvaluationConclusionBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgements
标签:学习者自主性论文; 英语自主学习论文; 培养论文;