中文摘要AbstractList of Figures and TablesChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Research Purpose1.3 Research Methodology1.4 General Organization of the ThesisChapter 2 Previous Studies on Coherence2.1 Cohesion and Coherence2.1.1 Cohesion as a relevant component for coherence2.1.2 Cohesion as an entirely separate part of coherence2.1.3 Cohesion as a means for coherence2.2 Theories of Previous Coherence Studies2.2.1 Van Dijk and Kintch's macrostructure theory2.2.2 Widdowson's pragmatic interpretation on coherence2.2.3 Brown and Yule's cognitive frame theory2.2.4 Danes and Fries' thematic progression theory2.2.5 De Beaugrande and Dressler's textuality model2.2.6 Halliday and Hasan's register and cohesion theory2.3 SummaryChapter 3 Interpersonal Coherence in Discourse3.1 Theoretical Foundations of Interpersonal Coherence Model3.1.1 Halliday's Mood and modality system3.1.2 Hu Zhuanlin's muliti-division of cohesion and coherence3.1.3 Martin's Appraisal system3.1.4 The developed theory of interpersonal coherence by Zhang Delu and other scholars3.1.5 Systemic-functional interpretation of register coherence3.2 The Model of Interpersonal Coherence3.2.1 Ideational coherence and interpersonal coherence3.2.2 The framework of interpersonal coherence in journalistic discourse3.3 SummaryChapter 4 The Interpersonal Coherence of Journalistic Discourse4.1 The Interpersonal Cohesive Devices4.1.1 Clause as communication: Mood Cohesion4.1.1.1 Adjacency pairs4.1.1.2 Parallels of Mood4.1.1.3 Subject chain4.1.1.4 Time progression4.1.2 Modality cohesion4.1.2.1 Modal verbs functioning as cohesive devices4.1.2.2 Modal adjuncts functioning as cohesive devices4.1.2.3 Modal cohesive chain4.1.3 Appraisal cohesion4.1.3.1 Heteroglossia in the role of coherence4.1.3.2 Attitudinal repetition and contrast in a cohesive discourse4.2 Register consistency and interpersonal coherence4.2.1 Tenor consistency in journalistic discourse4.2.1.1 Communicative roles and interpersonal coherence4.2.1.2 Knowledge or value presupposition and interpersonal coherence4.2.2 Mode consistency in journalistic discourse4.3 SummaryChapter 5 Conclusions5.1 Major Findings of the Present Study5.2 Major Contributions of the Present Study5.3 Limitations of the Present Study5.4 Suggestions for Future StudyBibliographyAcknowledgements
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标签:人际衔接论文; 人际连贯论文; 语域一致论文; 新闻语篇论文;