摘要AbstractAcknowledgementsFigures and TablesChapter 1 Introduction1.1 General Statement1.1.1 The Purpose and Significance of the Study1.1.2 Reasons for Adopting Grammatical Metaphor Theory1.2 Data Collection and Analysis1.3 The General Framework of This Thesis1.4 SummaryChapter 2 A Historical Review of Metaphor Study2.1 An Overview of Metaphor2.1.1 New Attitudes towards Metaphor2.1.2 Metaphor and Persuasion2.1.3 Social Functions of the Art of Metaphor2.2 The Origins and Early History of Metaphor2.2.1 The Rise of Rhetoric in Ancient Greece2.2.2 Plato on Metaphor2.2.3 Aristotle on Metaphor2.2.4 Metaphor and Simile2.2.5 Substitution Theory and Comparison Theory2.3 The Contemporary Development of Metaphor Theories2.3.1 Interaction Theory2.3.2 Cognitive Theories of Metaphor2.3.3 Systemic-Functional Approach to Grammatical Metaphor2.4 SummaryChapter 3 Theoretical Framework of Metaphor Analysis3.1 Understanding Grammatical Metaphor3.2 Halliday's Grammatical Metaphor Theory3.2.1 Congruent Form and Incongruent Form3.2.2 The Ideational Grammatical Metaphor3.2.3 Nominalization3.2.4 The Interpersonal Grammatical Metaphor3.2.4.1 Metaphor of Modality3.2.4.2 Metaphors of Mood3.2.5 Textual Grammatical Metaphor3.3 SummaryChapter 4 Grammatical Metaphor in Ameriean Presidential and British Premier Inaugural Addresses4.1 Data Collection and Analysis Procedure4.2 Background Information of the Ten Presidents and Premiers4.3 Metaphor,Persuasion and Leadership4.4 Detailed Analysis of GM Occurrences4.4.1 Findings and Discussion of Ideational GM4.4.2 Findings and Discussion of Interpersonal GM4.4.2.1 Findings and Discussion of Modality Analysis4.4.2.2 Findings and Discussion of Mood Analysis4.5 The Implication of the GM Analysis4.6 SummaryChapter 5 ConclusionBibliographyAppendix
标签:隐喻论文; 功能语法论文; 语法隐喻论文; 概念隐喻论文; 人际隐喻论文; 就职演说论文;