摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Research background1.2 Research questions1.3 Research methodology1.4 Research aim and research significanceChapter Two Literature Review2.1 An evolving definition of "curriculum"2.2 Curriculum development and some related terms2.3 Foreign researches on curriculum development models2.3.1 The Objective Model by Tyler2.3.2 The Process Model by Lawrence Stenhouse2.4 Domestic researches on translation curriculum development models2.4.1 Practice-centered model2.4.2 Translation-theories-centered model2.4.3 Theoretical-learning-and-practical-training model2.4.4 Translation-competence oriented modelChapter Three Analysis of the Current Curriculum Development in Postgraduate Translation Education3.1 Lack of distinction between academically-oriented,and professionally-oriented translation education3.1.1 General introduction3.1.2 Relationship between foreign language teaching and translation teaching3.1.3 Propose of MTI Program3.2 Lack of distinction between undergraduate and postgraduate translation educationChapter Four Translation Competence and Translator Competence4.1 Defining translation competence4.1.1 Translation competence as a summation of linguistic competences4.1.2 Translation competence as no such thing4.1.3 Translation competence as multi-componential4.1.4 Translation competence as one thing4.2 Defining translator competence4.3 Relationship between translation competence and translator competence and its implications for translation curriculum developmentChapter Five Implications for Postgraduate Translation Education from Constructivism5.1 Theoretical origins of constructivism5.2 Representative figures of constructivism5.3 Main schools of constructivism5.3.1 Radical constructivism5.3.2 Social constructivism5.4 Constructivist view on knowledge,learning and teaching5.5 Implications for postgraduate translation education from constructivism5.5.1 Objective setting5.5.2 Content organization5.5.3 Curriculum implementation5.5.4 Curriculum evaluationChapter Six A Learner-centered Approach from the Perspective of Constructivism6.1 Postgraduate translation curriculum development model6.2 Suggested improvements on the current postgraduate translation education6.2.1 Objective setting6.2.2 Modularization of content organization6.2.3 Curriculum implementation6.2.4 Curriculum evaluationChapter Seven Conclusion7.1 Summary of the research7.2 Limitations of the research7.3 Suggestions for further researchBibliographyAcknowledgements
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标签:研究生翻译课程开发论文; 翻译能力论文; 译者能力论文; 建构主义论文;